Computer Lessons 1-4
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Fun buying a Computer (5/25/5)

NEW: 2010 Quiz (07/06,10)


Might be good to Print before beginning

Lesson # 1
  1. Can you turn on your computer (25 points if you can)
  2. Can you turn off your Computer (25 Points, if you can)
  3. Have you heard of the internet (25 Points, etc.)
  4. Do you have a friend who has a computer (25 points)
  5. Can your friend turn his computer on and off (25 points)

Total Points                     ____

If you score 100 points or more you are computer literate and you may continue

 Lesson # 2
    1. Where is the Window Key?
      1. Between the ctrl and alt key
      2. Above the enter key
    2. Where is the enter key?
      1. On right side
      2. On left side
    3.  Where is the Alt key?
      1. On both sides of the space bar
      2. on the mouse
    4. Where is the Ctrl key?
      1. One is on the bottom left
      2. One is one the top left
    5. Did you realize all answers were "A"
      1. Yes
      2. No
  • Lesson # 3
      1. Now they are harder, what happens when you push Windows key and "E" (I will refer to this as W+E) at the same time
        1. Starts Exe files
        2. Starts Internet Explorer so you can surf the Internet
        3. Starts Explorer which lets you see all your files and directories (this is correct answer, do it now)
      2. What happens when you push windows key and "F" together
        1. Starts Exe files
        2. Opens a file find program to search your computer for files
        3. Finds info on the  Internet
      3. How do you find the file "notepad.exe"
        1. Windows+E, type in notepad.exe in NAMED BOX, click on MY computer in LOOK IN, Click FIND NOW
        2. Windows+F, type in notepad.exe in NAMED BOX, click on MY computer in LOOK IN, Click FIND NOW
        3. Windows+F, type in notepad in NAMED BOX, click on MY computer in LOOK IN, Click FIND NOW
        4. Two of the above (this is correct answer)
      4. What is the best answer to the previous question?
        1. Windows+E, type in notepad.exe in NAMED BOX, click on MY computer in LOOK IN, click FIND NOW
        2. Windows+F, type in notepad.exe in NAMED BOX, click on MY computer in LOOK IN, click FIND NOW
        3. Windows+F, type in notepad in NAMED BOX, click on MY computer in LOOK IN, click FIND NOW

  •  Lesson #4 and So Far Final Exam:
      1. How do you find what folder notepad.exe is located
        1. Use the Windows+F procedure and move the headings so you can see  what the name of the folder is
        2. Use the Windows+E to look through all the folders one at a time (This works but is a bad idea)
      2. How do we use the W+E and resulting Explorer window, ie what good is it
        1. Starts Internet Explorer so you can surf the Internet
        2. Shows you how folders and files are organized, with files in folders, and even some folders in other folders
        3. Allows us to add, delete, rename, move folders and files
        4. B and C are correct
      3. Open Explorer (remember W+E)
        1. Right click on your C drive, click properties near the bottom of resulting window
        2. How much free space does it say you have ( try to find something like 3,203.5B instead of the 9 digit longer one for bytes)
        3. How much space is used
      4. In Explorer, Notice the + and - to the left of the C drive and  other drives and folders
        1. Usually they mean you can "expand"  or see what is under or in that folder with "+"; or contract with the "-" and see less of that folder.
        2. Let us see if we can find where the "notepad.exe" file is located and see if other folders or files are in the same location
        3. To cheat a little, lets find the file again as we did in  J above. This is not the way we normally do it but it will illustrate it easier
        4. On my computer I USe the FIND procedure (W+F) and it shows me that Notepad.exe is in the C:\ drive and is in the Windows folder.
        5. Do you find it it with your W+F
        6. Now we already know where it is but let us look at it using the Explorer command, and that is next ....
      5. Open Explorer (W+E) and double click on the C drive
        1. Notice on the right the folders and files that are in the C drive
        2. folders look like little folder icons
        3. files have other varying icons
        4. do not do the following now but if you clicked on a folder it would open up and show what is in it
        5. if you click on a file, it would open up the program associated wiith it
        6. You need to know that a file with an extension of exe on the right following the period or dot  is a program that will run if you click it.
        7. and if it has an extension of something else, often it will open up a program to use that file
        8. for example, clicking a file with the ending of doc will open up the Word program since all data files for Word end in doc after the perio such as letter1.doc
      6. What do you think will happen if we find the notepad.exe file and click on it
        1. It should open a small word processor
      7. Let us do it
        1. Run Explorer if you are not there now
        2. Left click on  the c drive
        3. Scroll down to the windows folder
        4. double click on the windows folder
        5. now scroll down to the n's and see if notepad.exe is there
        6. if the files are not in alphabetical order click on the title bar (I think it is called) above all the folders and it should sort, click again to reverse sort
        7. find notepad.exe and click on it or double click, whichever it requires on you computer
        8. Now type a message and save it (if you cannot do this, that is another lesson
      8. You should now easily know what and where the Windows key is, how to open and use the Find procedure, how to open and use the Explorer procedure, what exe means, what doc means, what + and - means, how to read properties of folders or files
        1. If you are unsure of any of this so far, try again!
    End of Lesson # 4 and  Lesson So Far Final Exam
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