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Hi Ownbey Email members

(This is too long so it is ok if you skip it. We will highlight some of it Sunday so you miss nothing by not reading it.)
See you in the morning I hope. Durward is back from skiing at the Olympics and he will talk to us about how to walk on water and not fall in the snow. Should be a good ending to the book Gaston started last week.

Don Hammer is away and I am working on getting ready for our class.

Here are items for class tomorrow - feel free to skip them

  1. LIBOR - do you know what that is, if not check my minutes of the recent Administrative Board meeting.
  2. Adults Plus! - Meeting on 3/20/02 with Carlita Hunter, "nationally know leader  of workshops in drama, recreation, folk dancing, photography, and clowning." 10:30 a.m. Link on Church page for a info. Remember trips to Savannah and Lake Junaluska
  3. Dr Page -  He spoke at the retreat this weekend and will preach different sermons Sunday at 8:30 and 11.  He is great! Wonder if he will wear his T Shirt and Blue Jeans again? He has a couple of books and they are Jesus and the Land and The Land and the Book - both are good. Click on the titles and look at info on them on Amazon.com.  Also he has a "charter" subscription for a monthly CD with info, pictures, and articles for $79.95 and I have order forms.  His web page is www.jeruslem-center.org or www.jcbs.org.  I am having a hard time making a good link so I did not link it to this e-mail.  As our church literature told us, he is a professor in Jerusalem and is an archaeologist - and, I will add, a fine speaker. Click here for some pictures. Find "Page Retreat" on the left if link works.   ...    He told us the surprising answers to the following:
    1. Why did Jesus ride a donkey into Jerusalem [(a) Humility, (b) sign of royalty, (c) Horse not yet invented] ?
    2. What did Jesus do on Wednesday and Thursday of Holy Week?
    3. What was a reason Jesus was  on trial {(a) He said he was God (b) he Said he Knew God (c) He said God's name)
  4. Sign up for Myers Park Country Club Ownbey Class Social for April 7 - $20.25 to John Rasberry
  5. Thanks to the Grogans, Sadris, and Carol Douglas (twice) for serving as greeters  from 9:30  - 10 a. m. Sundays so far this month. Sign up to help the last two Sundays of March to save some calls from the Dons. Our class is responsible for March.
  6. MedAssist meeting 3/21 4:30 pm   for  "65 and over ...who cannot afford ... prescriptions .. and not available for Medicaid .."
  7. Service at the Table - the new idea in overflow hospitality at 11 a. m. services  is becoming so popular  we need more helpers - sign up please .
  8. Spring Mission Day on 4/20/02 helping South Tryon Community Church and Tree Tops
  9. YMS Flowers sale to 3/18  ... $12.50  .. help mission trip to South Dakota
  10. Easter Lilies ...$12.00 ... by 3/22/02
  11. Heavenly Hams ... by 3/22 ..and Turkeys  ...  helps Childrens Circle
  12. Easter Offering (any time in March, mark check)  for 4 areas - Crisis Assistance Ministry, Greater Enrichment Program (low income kids, K- 5, Charlotte), Curamericas (Health Care in Latin America), Disaster Relief Team (NC and nearby states)
  13. Cuba Mission Trip 5/17/02+, register by  3/15
  14. Bishop Spong at Dilworth Methodist  next Friday (3/22) night, Saturday mourning and afternoon, and Sunday Sermon. $10 for each of three sessions, except Sunday no charge. Registration forms on desk in class. Expecting big crowds. MPUMC member been in paper with  letter to editor objecting. fun!
  15. Cornerstone by E-mail, sign up and save the church $20,000+
  16. Vulgarians at the Gate - Just before 9/11 Willard told us about TV plans to  compete with  more profane language including the "Lord's name."  I had planned to share info about Steve Allen's book where he encourages us to write to  executives in the media and gives addresses. After 9/11 it did not seem like as big a problem but  here is a link to info on his  book and to some media addresses. Do you listen WFNZ.?
  17. Bingo - Have you ever heard of this at mpumc?  ...    3/22 Children's Circle benefit $6 and $3
  18. Birthdays: The birthday list includes: (tell me if I missed any between 3/8 and 3/20)

  19. 3/08 Syd Elkins
    3/09 Dick Hauersperger
    3/10 Margaret Schrum
    3/11 Betty Campbell
    3/13 Carl Hawn
    3/13 Laura Witherington
    3/13 Carol Needy
    3/15 Winnie Culbreth
    3/20 Willard Gourley
    Anniversaries -no one admits any

    don redding
    8:15 p. m. 3/16/02 sat


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