April 17, 2002



   Bill and Marie Pearce                        Bill and Mabel Doser                           Don Redding

   Bob and Marilea Grogan                   Joe Hamrick                                        Dick Jenkins

   Hubert and Nancy Wilson                  Melba von Sprecken                           Barbara Barden

   Bill and Mary Roper                          Jean Farris


The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson Bill Pearce.


The minutes of the March 20, 2002 meeting were approved as distributed.






May 15                              Chick Thompson



May 7 - 10                 Epworth-By-The-Sea. Two rooms available. Need reservations today or tomorrow.

June 19                       Melvin and Anita McIntosh’s Home.

July 24                        Flatrock Playhouse - South Pacific. Send check to Burke Tours, Barbara Barden, or Joe Hamrick. Deadline is mid


August 2l                    Behind the Scenes - Ericsson Stadium and Blumenthall. Cost is $4.00 per person. Lunch (on your own) probably at

Showmars. More details later.


Let Joe Hamrick know of any suggestions for future trips. Possibly Biltmore House for Christmas. Will obtain information and make decision on this later.


       Missions and Ministry:


1.    Marilea Grogan said that the brochure on the Lakota Indians is out. $94.00 was collected today. The total for the year is $403.00. She will send letters of thanks to Wes Bobbitt, Russ Smith, Ron Robinson, and Janice Brady.

2.    There will be a box in front of Barbara Barden’s office for the kits until Sunday. Please bring your kits and place in the box. This is for the United Methodist Committee on Relief Their warehouse is in Houma, La. This is to help with future disasters.

      Spiritual Life:


Mabel Doser asked that people sign up right away - turn in your name now to Barbara or Nancy. The deadline for payment is August 19 Seventeen persons have signed up for this retreat.



Melba von Spracklen asked that we keep articles coming in



Mary Roper said we had a lot of visitors today. We need to keep information in front of people, especially in Sunday Schools. They are doing a good job in the Cornerstone. Bill Pearce asked about putting information on our meetings in the Senior Directions newspaper each month. He will check on details.



Nancy Wilson asked that Council members bring an antique to the next meeting for table decorations. Our speaker, Chick Thompson, is interested in antiques.



Skip Heintzelman took pictures today. Don Redding was thanked for keeping us informed by e-mail with pictures and information.


Barbara Barden said that Nancy Holmes is doing a magnificent job and she wanted to express thanks to her.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.



Jean Farris
