October 16, 2002



Melvin and Anita McIntosh                   Wes and Ginny Soule         :      Bill and Marie Pearce

Don Redding                                        Barbara Barden                        Nancy Holmes


The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Melvin McIntosh.


Conections to last minutes: Council members will help complete the Mission Health Kits (at the Council Retreat).





     Adults Plus! Council Retreat will be held at Merrywood Nov. 8th

     Barbara Barden reported that attendees need to carpool due to lack of parking spaces. For those who do drive, they need to park on the gravel area at Merrywood. Don Redding suggested parking at the Y

     Retreat will be lOAIvI-3PM

     Gather in the Main Dining Room

     Bring items to complete Emergency Health Kits (see attached list)


LaKota Offering:

Today’s total donated was $64. Dannye Romaine Powell donated her honorarium for speaking today.


Emergency Health Relief Kits:

These kits are going to the Western NC Conference Emergency Relief Items included are: 6 Bandaids, soap, combs, nail clippers, toothbrush, toothpaste, hand towels, and washcloths.

Fifteen kits will be assembled at the Council Retreat with list of who brings each item attached to these minutes.



November 20th - Bill Pearce working on obtaining a speaker

December l2t~~ - Old Salem trip

January 15th - Dr. James Tabor

Two other speakers are lined up for winter and spring 2003, one of them being Dr. Julian Aldridge.

Historian Report: Don Redding has photos on his WEB site following events and has done &eat displays for our meetings.

Membership: Recruitment of new members was discussed. Ginny suggested getting younger people in Adults Plus[ It was discussed that people are staying in the work force longer and not available to attend 1½ hour lundheonlmeetings. It was further discussed that we might get those people at evening meetings but that was not the time that suited most presently attending.


Barbara Bai-den suggested that more items be discussed at the retreat on Nov. 8th with many of our Council Members absent today.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Nancy Holmes

Education Admin. Assistant