February 19, 2003
Bill and Marie Pearce, Wes and Ginny Soule, Don
Redding, Bill and Mabel
Doser, Dick and Sallie Jenkins, Mary Roper
the meeting was called to order by Chairperson Bill
Pearce. the minutes to the January meeting were approved without corrections.
Mabel Doser reported that programs are set through
June and that probably our new minister will be the featured speaker in
September. There have been requests for the FBI lady to return and Mabel is
going to try to get her and her husband back in the fall.
Trips: No report.
Lakota offering:
An anonymous donor offered to match the money
collected today for the Lakota Indians. The offering totaled $195.00 for a
total of $390.00 with the matching funds
Bill Pearce commended Lee Morris on the publicity for
the February meeting. Lee has the publicity for March ready.
The spiritual life retreat will
probably be at Lake Junaluska
Arlene Hewitt as the leader.
Suggested dates are Sept. 29-Oct.
Oct. 6-8; or ct. 8-10. Sallie
Jenkins is going to talk to Bar
Barden about making arrangements
with the speaker and with Lake
J u na I uska
Membership: No
Historian: No report.
New Business:
The committee discussed the new
meeting facilities and the meal. Some Adults Plus! members do not like not
knowing what will be served at the meetings. Raising the price of the meal to
$6.00 would allow us to know the menu in advance. After discussion it was decided
to leave the meal as is for now.
Because some people took more than
one serving of meat, the meat ran out before everyone was served, and more had
to be prepared. Someone suggested having a meat server. It was decided to wait
for one more meeting to see how things work out.
The possibility of having standing
reservations was discussed, or having the people collecting the money ask if
the person wanted a reservation for the next meeting. The committee decided
that it would work better for this group to continue to call each month.
Seating arrangements for today’s
meeting did not work out well The sound system is set up for speakers from the
stage. Sallie Jenkins suggested sitting at the front on the right side facing
the stage. Bill Pearce suggested sitting in chairs for the meeting and moving
to the tables for the meal. The group decided to move to the front for the next
meeting and see how well that works. We also agreed to ask Barbara to talk to
the caterer about not putting things out until 11:45, in order to minimize
distracting noise and to have food hot when we eat.
Neighborhood Get-together:
Bill asked if there was interest
in having a table for Adults Plus! when we invite the community to visit. The
committee agreed to participate and Wes Soule is in charge of getting
participants to be at the table that day
Pass it on festival:
This festival cannot be held as
originally scheduled because of the reception for Ron Robinson on May 4. This
item was tabled until Bill can talk to Barbara.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Sallie Jenkins