March 19, 2003



Bill and Marie Pearce Lee and Anne Morris  Don Redding

Bill and Mabel Doser   Wes & Ginny Soule      Jean Farris

Bob and Marilea Grogan   Bill and Mary Roper Barbara Barden


Chairperson Bill Pearce called the meeting to order with a prayer.


The minutes of the February 19, 2003 meeting were approved as corrected. (Changed Dozer to Doser.)



••     Bill Pearce asked about the rearrangement of facilities, sound system, meals, air conditioning, etc. The arrangement was better, and the meal was good. Some people were cold. Barbara Barden will check on this. There was a problem with the sound. There was a discussion regarding this problem and different solutions. Barbara will check this out.

      The church is hosting a neighborhood get-together on Sunday, March 30 th from 2:00 to 4:00

p.m.  A mailing has gone out to a one-mile radius of the church to all residents inviting them to come see our new facilities. The Evangelism Commission is sponsoring this. There will be tables set up with displays. Leslie Lancaster is the contact person for tables. Wes Soule will be in charge of getting participants for the Adults Plus table, probably on a rotation basis. Don Redding will have Adults Plus pictures. Lee Morris will prepare a flyer to detail mission statement, programs, trips, etc. Mary and Bill Roper volunteered to pass out copies of the Adults Plus Newsletter. In answer to questions, there will be a table for all Sunday School classes combined, and individual Sunday School classes can also request a table.

+      Nancy Holmes will type the Adults Plus Newsletter this week. You will need to get your reports in to her. This should include information on Missions and Ministry, Health Kits, Spiritual Life Retreat, Trips to Columbia and the McIntosh’s, the program in April with Ron Robinson, and the front page by Bill Pearce.

)         After a discussion, it was agreed that the Pass-it-on-Festival should be tabled until the fall or next spring.



Programs:                        Bill and Mabel Doser

Mabel Doser reported on programs as follows:

                        April 16th                                - Ron Robinson

                        May 21~                        -Julian Aldrich

June           - The McIntosh’s

They will plan later for September, October and November. They have good prospects for these meetings.


Bill Pearce reported for the Wilsons. He said that the day trip to Columbia is Wednesday, May 14th They need a minimum of 30 people. The cost is $89.00 per person. April 10~ is the cut­off date, and the money is due by April 15th~ The Wilsons are working on other trips.

Missions & Ministry:                        Bob and Marilea Grogan

Bob reported that they would like someone to come to the next two or three meetings to give a capsule history of the Lakota Indians. Also, something could be put in the newsletter. S210 was collected today and $390 last month. Our mission is with the children.

Publicity:                        Lee and Anne Morris

Lee prepared information for the Cornerstone, and did flyers on programs.

A copy of the flyer will be sent to him. Bill Pearce said they are doing a good job.

Facilities:                        Wes and Ginny Smile

Wes arid Ginny sent a list around asking people to sign up to bring decorations for one table They felt it was good to get all members involved. The question of the trays was brought up. It was agreed that the food would be left on the trays, and then the trays taken to discard items when you have finished eating. There was a discussion regarding decorations for tables for Ron Robinson’s program. There should be glasses of water available at the beginning of the meeting.

Membership:                        Bill and Mary Roper

Mary asked about the duties of the Membership Committee. Barbara Barden said that she and

Bill were doing exactly what they were supposed to do. She asked that Mary check with Nancy

about a nicer special nametag for guests.


Spiritual Retreat:

Barbara Barden reported for the Jenkins. Reservations have been made at Lake Junaluska at the

Terrace for September 29 October 1. The leader Will probably be Arlene Hewitt, new District

Director of Lay Ministries. Barbara will have additional information at the next meeting.


Nominating Committee:

Barbara asked Bill Pearce to follow up on this and have in place by May. He will contact the persons listed in the November 8, 2002 planning retreat minutes to see if they will be willing to serve. Give Bill any suggestions you might have.


Bill Pearce said that the new website for the church is now activated. Barbara said that the Adults Plus just have the date and time of program on the event page. There was discussion regarding this and Barbara said they are working to set up an Adults Plus page.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Jean Farris
