APRIL 16, 2003




Bill and Marie Pearce               Bill and Mabel Doser                Nancy and Hubert Wilson

Bob and Marilea Grogan          Lee and Anne Morris                Wes and Ginny Soule

Dick and Sallie Jenkins Bill and Mary Roper                 Don Redding

Jean Farris                                Barbara Barden


Chairman Bill Pearce opened the meeting with a prayer.


The minutes of the March 19, 2003 meeting were approved as corrected.



1.         It was cold today in Jubilee Hall.  Barbara Barden will check with Jim Kirkland to see where the temperature was set today.  The setting depends on the total number of persons attending meetings.

2.         The sound was much improved.  They had planned to put in a ceiling that would help with the acoustics; however, in order to save money, this was not done.  This left an echo.  The consultant and Ron Robinson have checked the system out.




Programs:                                                       Bill and Mabel Doser

            May 21                        Julian Aldridge

            June 18                        Picnic - Melvin and Anita McIntosh

            September 17               Mike and Lauralee Bailey – They served as the parsonage family for the American Protestant Church of the Hague, The Netherlands.  Lauralee has a beautiful singing voice.  Mabel will have more information later on their program.

They have good suggestions for October and November.


Trips:                                                              Hubert and Nancy Wilson

·           There are only 10 persons signed up for the trip to Columbia.  We need 15 more (they have advised that we can go with 25).  It does not appear we will have enough people for this trip.   He said it might be possible to use our minibus (which holds 15) for the Columbia trip.  He also suggested a day trip to Botanical Gardens.  He will continue to work on these.  Other ideas were given for trips.

·           Hubert asked the group if we should continue with trips.  It was suggested that overnight or 2 nights and 3 days might be better.  There was a discussion regarding hiring a man to drive our minibus.





Missions and Ministry                                  Bob and Marilea Grogan

·           We collected $147.00 today for the Lakota Indians.  This, plus $775.00 collected previously, makes a total of $922.00 for the year.

·           Regarding the health kits, sheets were available at the program meeting listing items needed.  This information was also included in the Adults Plus Newsletter.  Our project for this year is 100 health kits.


PUBLICITY:                                                  Lee and Anne Morris

1.         We are meeting target dates and doing all that we need to be doing.  We are getting material into Nancy Holmes hands.  We will get information together on the May program with Julian Aldridge. 

2.         Regarding the picnic at Melvin and Anita McIntosh on June 18th, Barbara said the departure time is 9:30 a.m. and return time is 3:00 p.m.   The deadline for signing up is noon on Monday, June 16th.  The cost is $5.00 per person.  Maps will be provided.  This will be promoted in Sunday school classes, Cornerstone and Adult Plus Newsletter.  She will ask Charley King about driving a minibus.


Marilea asked about sending Rebecca Simpson a birthday card from the Adults Plus Council.  It was agreed that this should be done.  Marilea will check on the date.


FACILITIES:                                     Wes and Ginny Soule

They thanked everyone for the centerpieces.  Ginny asked what we really think about the way they are doing centerpieces.  Is it enough?  Yes, everyone seems to enjoy them.  At the next meeting they will use balloons, and a toy sailboat was suggested for the lectern.


MEMBERSHIP:                                           Bill and Mary Roper

1.         Mary said there were about 75 persons attending today.  Bill Pearce thanked her for doing a good job with visitors.

2.         There was a discussion regarding persons who make reservations for meals and do not attend.  The church can no longer absorb this cost, and will be holding each group accountable for its own people.  They will be responsible for calling and collecting for meals.  If they are unable to collect, they will pay out of their budget.  We had two persons today who made reservations and did not attend.  Hubert Wilson and Bob Grogan will call them.  We will need someone from the group to call each month when necessary.


HISTORIAN:                                                Don Redding

He will continue to take pictures.


SPIRITUAL LIFE RETREAT:                    Dick and Sallie Jenkins

·           The retreat will be September 29th, 30th, October 1st. 

·           Barbara said that Arlene Hewitt would not be able to be our leader this year.  They may contact her for next year.  They have other names and will check them out.  Steve James, who will be our new associate minister, is a possibility.  She will contact him.

Barbara said there is a website for Adults Plus now.  They will build on this to enhance.  Nancy Holmes worked on this to make it happen.  Thanks to Don Redding for all he does.


Bill Pearce is working on nominations.


Bill said he had receive a brochure from Thomas E. Day offering personalized services to help seniors with their financial management in paying bills, etc.  We decided to pass on this.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.



Jean Farris
