Moving Day Again
Classes will move as necessary this corning week and be in their new location
beginning next Sunday, May 18.
order to make these many moves possible in this short time and without having
to pay to bring in professional movers I am seeking help from class members
willing and able to come and help move chairs, etc. as needed and to help set
up these new classrooms.
after getting in your new space let me know what of dry erase boards and
bulletin boards are needed as well as storage cabinets or other furnishings.
Please indicate sizes of boards requested. I will place an order on Friday, May 16 for the requests I have at that time.
It is important that I am able to order as many as needed at that time to save
on shipping costs.
conversation has gone into these room assignments, which will hopefully meet
our present class needs through July 31, 2004 at which time the Adult
Ministry Team will review space needs.
make sure that in these moves any items, furnishings and books, etc. that you
do not need in your class space are removed and placed in the area marked for
adult Sunday school class items in the basement.
will be helpful if you are planning to come to help with moving and/or plan to
help set up your new classroom that you let Barbara Barden,
or 704-295-4813, know which day and time you plan to come ASAP.
help will be greatly appreciated.
Barbara Barden Sunday May 11, 2002
Adult Classroom Assignments 2003-2004
Builders Parish Life
Building — 106*
Faith and Reason Youth
Building — 264
Fellowship Parish
Life Building — 104-105
Foundation Parish
Life Building — 107-108
Genesis Parish
Life Building — 109
Logos Parish Life
Building — 025*
Luther Snyder Snyder
Building — 035
New Life Youth
Building —259
Ownbey Parish
Life Building — 110
Pathways Youth Building — 262*
Ruth Fisher Snyder
Building — 03 1 *
Sojourners Parish
Life Building — 024*
Trinity Youth
Building —261
Wesley Snyder
Building — 152*
Young Couples Snyder
Building — 149
YMS Youth
Building —260
*Already moved into space. But please remove any furnishings
or items that you do not
need in your space and place them in the area of the
basement indicated. Let me know of
other needs you have for your space.)