Bill and Marie Pearce Bob and Marilea Grogan Lee Morris
Ginny and Wes Soule Mary and Bill Roper Sallie Jenkins
Don Redding Jean Farris Barbara Barden
Chairperson Bill Pearce opened the meeting with a prayer.
The minutes of the April 16 meeting were approved.
There is still a problem with the sound. Barbara Barden said that the ceiling originally ordered was not installed. Hopefully this can be accomplished in the future.
Bill Pearce reported for the Dosers. Mike and Lauralee Bailey will present the September program.
Bill Pearce reported for the
1. Bob said $78.56 was collected today for Lakota Indians.
2. There was a box full of health kits. They are receiving kits that are not complete and using items to make complete kits. Additional items can be purchased later if necessary to put together complete kits.
· Lee asked if he needed to do anything more on the Picnic at the McIntosh’s on June 18th. He will put in the Cornerstone and prepare a bulletin. The cutoff date for sending in your money is June 13th. Charley King will drive the van. Rebecca will prepare the meal. It was agreed that we would have fried chicken, potato salad, green beans and fruit.
· Lee will also get information out about CPCC.
· Arnie Sharar was mentioned as a driver for trips. Barbara will check with him.
Lee said that two reporters with the
There was a “great crowd” today. Nametags were discussed, and it was agreed that new nametags would be made for guests if they ask for them.
Our new Associate Minister, Rev. Steve James, will be our
leader at the Spiritual Life Retreat.
This will be at
He asked for ideas for pictures. When there are no trips, it is hard to come up with pictures.
Mary Roper said she thought it would be a good idea to have a Christmas program. It was decided that this would be on December 17th. Plans will be made later.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Jean Farris