(Next Printed issue
(On line Update always at http://donredding.com/reader.html)
A) News: (New
in italics)+++(Please send
in “news.”++++++++
today: Bill Grigg,16092A
Project Committee
5) Birthdays:
Paul Guthery (08/05) Durward Owen (08/30)
6) Welcome to
recent visitors Ben and Karen Smith. Good
to have you
7) 24 Adults
Plus! visited
8) Thanks mowers, doughnut man (Copeland), folks helping get library
ready (Pearces and Grogans), and members preparing meals. Thanks
to Reatha and Don Hammer for straightening up our room before 8/17 class. A mess was left by
the pictorial staff in anticipation of picture taking in the afternoon. We
realize the room is not “ours,” but ……
9) Outstanding Member Nametags to Bob and Ann Lumadue last
week and Janie Jones. Chick Thompson asked qualifications to receive
one; president explained
they went to “outstanding
class members.” According to a survey , all Ownbey
members are outstanding.
10) Upper Room –Bill Pearce encourages us to visit on line at www.upperroom.org. Don’s (ex)-sister- in - Law is Editor, Mary
Lou Redding.
11) Health and Happiness:
Cristina Halpern’s procedure to clear bile duct “went very well,” Mel says. Home Thursday
night. it
Dottie Tobias home last Sunday and making progress.
Carol Needy stronger and spending
time visiting Chip.
Allen Maxwell doing well after
gall bladder surgery..
Eleanor Harris brings greetings 8/17 from Randy
who hopes to join us soon,
Gourley looks fit after vacation
1) H& H (2).
brings greetings
from Harriette in
Miller is excited to have just
learned a book she co-authored with Frank, her late
husband, on blueprint reading for community colleges has been reissued in a second edition.
Grogans back from Mystery Trip with Burke Tours.
and Marie Pearce busy at
2) (YELLOW) Roster and Lesson. Add
Harrises if dated not dated
Aug/Sept Bethel
and Disciple, Christian Believers, Companions in Christ signup / begin
8/21 @
Ministry Training
09/15/03 for 6 Monday nights, ..Soup.. Transition..learn to “let go,”contact Carol Grinham
09/28/03 –10/01/03 Adults
Plus! Spiritual Life Retreat, Steve
James, LakeJunaluska.
0?/0?/03 50th
01/21/04Adults Plus! Bikin Mike
Other Volunteers
Needed: Ownbey needs in italics:
Urban Ministry
needs towes and washcloths
Family Partner needed for the Robinson’s Habitat
CHAMP Volunteers needed - joe@mpumc.org
Hospital Visitors
See Rae Haney
Elementary School
Buddies 343-5427
Ushers for Church
in the Round. Tell Jan Nomina, Hospitality Chair.
New Church
Member follow-up. Need Volunteers
Home Bound and Hospital Visitation Teams - See
Rae Haney
Goodness Gracious
Shop - September 6+, see Linda Shull
366-0403 to work in Shop
· Article 24—Of Christian Men's Goods The riches and goods of Christians are not common as touching the right, title, and possession of the same, as some do falsely boast. Notwithstanding, every man ought, of such things as he possesseth, liberally to give alms to the poor, according to his ability. (Does anyone understand this?)
· Article 25—Of a Christian Man's Oath As we confess that vain and rash swearing is forbidden Christian men by our Lord Jesus Christ and James his apostle, so we judge that the Christian religion doth not prohibit, but that a man may swear when the magistrate requireth, in a cause of faith and charity, so it be done according to the prophet's teaching, in justice, judgment, and truth. (What does this mean?)