Bill and Marie Pearce Bob and Marilea Grogan Hubert and Nancy Wilson
Ginny and Wes Soule Mary and Bill Roper
Bill and Mabel Dozer Barbara Barden
Chairperson Bill Pearce opened the meeting with a prayer.
The May minutes were approved.
The sound problems continue. The group commended Mike and Lauralee Bailey for the interesting program, especially Lauralee, who did not use a microphone when she sang.
Several members of the group remarked on the low attendance. Barbara Barden encouraged everyone to speak individually to people and invite them to the meetings. She thinks that word-of-mouth, especially about the high quality of the programs, is the best way to improve attendance.
Programs Bill and Mabel
Mabel Dozer reported that Peter Smolovitch,
a reporter for the
The group discussed the order of the meeting. Everyone liked having the program first and giving the speaker 45 minutes for the program.
Bill Pearce presented the list of nominees for next year’s officers. They are as follows:
Chairperson Bill and Marie Pearce
Vice-Chair Sallie Jenkins
Secretary Jean Farris
Trips Hubert & Nancy Wilson; Skip & Ruth Heintzelman
Missions and Ministry Jack and Jo Schofield
Publicity Lee Morris
Membership Bill and Mary Roper
Newsletter Melba Von Sprecken
Historian Don Redding
Facilities Coordinator vacant
Staff liaison Barbara Barden
Hubert Wilson reported that he has investigated a trip to the Barter Theater in Abingdon, VA, for Dec. 3. It would be an overnight trip. If we use the church van and bus, instead of renting a tour bus, the cost would be considerably less. Barbara is going to get out a card to the members to sample interest. The Wilsons are checking on tickets and accommodations. Hubert is going to reserve 20 tickets.
Another suggestion for a trip was to Sanford, NC, to see Stephen Ware in THE RAINMAKER. The play is running Nov. 6-21.
The Grogans reported that they collected $165.00 for the Lakota children.
Spiritual Life
Sallie Jenkins reported that there are approximately 38 people attending the retreat at Lake Junaluska on Sept. 29-Oct.1.
Don Redding would like suggestions for something to record other than people eating. Everyone seemed to be happy with what he is doing now.
Barbara Barden reported that the deadline for the next newsletter is October 1.
The planning meeting for the council will be Nov. 11 at Treetops.
Bill Pearce announced that he had received information from
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Sallie Jenkins,
Acting Secretary