OCTOBER 15, 2003
Bill and Marie Pearce Sallie
Bill and Mabel Doser Bill
and Mary Roper
Bob and Marilea Grogan Hubert and Nancy Wilson
Melba Von Sprecken Wes
and Ginny Sole
Lee Morris Barbara
Don Redding
Chairperson Bill Pearce opened the meeting with prayer.
The September minutes were approved after numerous corrections. The
secretary extends her apologies to the Dosers for misspelling their last name
five times.
Barbara Barden reminded everyone that the church’s new address is 1501
Queens Road.
The Executive committee will have a planning retreat at Treetops, which
is off highway 521 south of Ballentyne. Those attending should meet in the
church parking lot adjacent to Fiopedale prepared to leave at 9:30 am.
Mabel Doser reported that James Howell wifl present the November
Les Ackerman will play the organ for the December program. Toda/s
donated his honorarium to the Lakota projects.
Hubert Wilson announced that we have made a commitment for 30 peop’e for
tickets to the Barter Theater on December 3. Fifty percent of the money is
non-refundable. Fifty dollars per person must be paid by Oct. 31.
He has also arranged a day trip to Sanford to see Stephen Ware perform
on November 20. The cost is $20.00 and is due by Nov. 1. Those going will leave
from the Hopedale lot at 9:15 on the
The Grogaris collected $150.10, including the honorarium, for the Lakota
children’s project. So far they have received money and promises of material to
complete 38 health kits. Their goal for the year is 100 completed kits.
Bill Pearce complimented Lee Morris on the good job he has been doing
with publicity. Lee said that he needs the bio for the January program by the
second week in November.
Ginny Sole suggested that we have decorations on the lunch tables only
on special occasions. Everyone expressed appreciation for the decorations in
the past. Barbara Barden suggested having a table with a centerpiece in the
meeting room.
Spiritual Life Retreat
Sallie Jenkins reported that tne retreat was a success, with a good
group attending and general appreciation for the facilities and the program.
New Business
Marie Pearce wiH preside on NovemDer 19.
After discussion about the change in focus of the Lakota project, and
some discussion of Janice Brady’s proposal for support for meals for the
elderly, the group decided to try to find out what has been done with our
contributions in the past and also to have a more complete explanation of
future plans. Bill Pearce is going to talk with Janice and request a written
report before the planning meeting in November.
Bill Pearce passed out information about a IJNCC study on medical
nutrition therapy. The group decided to distribute flyers and inform the group
about the study rather than have someone come and talk to us.
After discussing the pros and cons of the new meeting place, Baroara
suggested that we remain in room 107-8 for the time being to see if attendance
continues to increase. Marie Pearce suggested that we have a microphone next
time, and Barbara said that it had been arranged.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned
Saltie Jenkins
Acting Secretary