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Adults Plus!

A Ministry by, with and for Older Adults

Myers Park United Methodist Church Charlotte, NC

(Scanned, errors not corrected)

Date:  October 7, 2003

From: Bill & Marie Pearce

To:   Adults Plus! Council


Looking ahead to the next meeting of the Adults Plus! fellowship, we would like to share an idea that Barbara has discussed with us.


As you know, the acoustics in Jubilee Hall are poor, especially for anyone who has any hearing problem. It has come to our attention that several of our former participants have chosen to cease participation in the monthly program because they are unable to understand or appreciate the program offered in the Jubilee Hall environment.


Providing we can secure the space on Wednesday, October 15~ we will have the program and business session on the first floor of the Parish Life Center in one of the larger spaces used for Sunday School. Following the program and business session, we will invite everyone to move up to Jubilee Hall (by stairs or elevators) for the meal


September 5, 2003


To:     Rev Barbara Barden Education Minister ‘/Bill Pearce. Adults Plus! President

Martha Cushman Elizabeth Circle & Wesley Sunday School Class

From:     Janice B. Brady

Re:     Sponsorship of Meals on Wheels Program for Elderly in Dupree, South Dakota


An application has been made to The Jubilee Committee for start-up costs and one year’s costs for twice-monthly meals. A copy of the application is attached for your consideration of your group’s support (hinds & prayers) for this new project.


The estimated cost to prepare, serve & distribute one meal is $75.00 (cost of $3 a person-25

people approximately). Any amount of funds collected by any group would be so appreciated combining the efforts of 2 or 3 groups a month would provide at least one meal. -


Like the “2 cents a meal program” perhaps we could propose for people 25 cents a week.


The Lakota Children’s Ministry is still active, and we would need those funds, but in a lesser capacity. At this time, their need would be for refreshments for the Wed. nite youth gathering al Billie Rose’s house in Eagle Butte, $l0-$l5 weekly. The Day Care has been simplified at this time Billie Rose has been asked by The Head Start program there in Eagle Butte to work with this particular little girl, BLAKE, that Billie Rose has had in the Day Care for a couple years, well since it’s beginning. Blake cannot hear nor speak. Billie Rose has taken care of Blake and worked with her with her disabilities and Head Start felt the 2 of them should stay together since it is time for Blake to start to school. Billie Rose will be doing some day care things with other kids during school holidays, weekends & some nights and during the summer months, but working with Blake most of the time and her special needs. And the children’s summer camp sponsorship is always there with that need sending up to 3 kids to camp each summer- $109 each. And the annual Christmas dinner and gift-giving celebration need is there in the Dupree community that MPUMC has sponsored for many years.


Hope you will give prayerful consideration to accepting the Elderly Hot Meals Program and if your group would like me to come speak to them, ya got a couple hours? - ‘cause you all know I could talk about my passion and the need for help in South Dakota for hours & hours &,hours.


Thank you all so much.


We are blessed to be a blessing to others.


(Janice Brady)