Sunday February 08, 2004 Ownbey Musings
Hello, everyone (who has a computer that runs!), Last
- Paul Guthery gave us a
good start on the study of Ecclesiastesand had a great class
This Week
- Rev. Dr. James Forbes,
pastor of Riverside Church, will preach tonight in Jubilee Hall, 7:00 p.m.
- Big Band Music will be
featured at the Sweetheart Dance on Saturday night, with coffee and
dessert from 7 - 8 p.m., and dancing from 8 - 10 p.m. $10.00 per
person with children under 12 free. Money goes for the Costa Rica
mission trip.
- Barbara Barden leads
the class in studying "Change Comes to All"
as she concludes the study of Ecclesiastes.
- Be in class to hear an
important and significant announcement Sunday morning!
In our prayers
- Len Chason is home
following back surgery last week. Recovery will take time due to the
severity of the damage that was repaired.
- Ellen Chason gets her
cataract surgery on the 24th.
- Virginia Gourley had
total knee replacement surgery on the 3rd; she may be home on Saturday.
- Mel Halpern's foot
surgery has been postponed till the 15th of March.
- Jean Walakovits
returns home before the twins; they will follow in about 2 weeks.
Watch out for the buttons popping when you talk to Frank & Joyce
Gossett, the proud grandparents.
Birthdays this week
- Bob Lumadue - 12th
- Nhora Moreno
- 13th
New Project
go on! I hit the wrong key a
bit ago and sent the first part out unfinished.
However, that produced a bit of news I can
add. Note: Apparently there weren't as many Panthers who received
foot injuries at the Super Bowl! Mel Halpern's doctor has
rescheduled his foot surgery for the 13th of February! Good luck, Mel,
since that is also a Friday!
I was about to write about the New Class
Project when I hit that wrong key. New Class ProjectOne of the
better ways of learning is by the use of modeling. The person doing the
modeling may or may not know that he/she is modeling for another, but there is
usually someone watching who decides that she/he would like to be like
that modeler. Members of the Ownbey Class have been invited to do some
modeling. South Tryon
Community Church
has requested our help in order to reach out to the Hispanics and Caucasians in
the community. How? By asking us to send small groups to attend the
Sunday worship service (11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)
for a number of Sundays. By our presence we will be encouraging the
Hispanic and Caucasian population to realize that South
Tryon Community Church
ministers to the whole community, not just the African American
community. Skip Heintzelman reports that 16 class members have
already signed up to serve in the role of modelers. He will be passing
the clipboard again this Sunday, so YOU can sign up, too. He will be glad
to explain the details again! Yes, there is scriptural support for
modeling. Read Matthew 25 beginning about the 30th verse or so.
Looking Ahead William Webb will serve as the
president next Sunday morning (Feb. 15) as Marie and I will be on the road to Richmond,
VA for a meeting of the Southeastern
Jurisdictional Association of Older Adults Executive Committee/Design Team at
the Roslyn Center.
Think it overThe following is copied from
The Inspirer, Newsletter of the Older Adult Ministry,
First UMC, Albany,
"This year will be a lot like a boomerang. What we send out
will determineto a high degree what will come back to us. As we approach
our tasks each day this year with a calm cheerfulness, we will get the
work finished with only a small portion of the fatigue that the grumpy person
feels. Joyful people can see happiness, humor and kindness. The
critical feel that the whole world is at fault for their misery. Here's
to good attitudes, a loving spirit and many good friends during
-The Editors NOTE:
Read Ecclesiastes 11:1 and realize this is not a new idea, but a very good
one! See you in class Sunday! Bill...