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Subject: Ownbey Class Musings...


OWNBEY CLASS MUSINGS for the= week of Feb. 9-15, and a bit beyond!


Sunday's almost over.  Marie and I are getting re= ady to join Barbara Barden and Laura Hill in the journey to San Francisco to attend the "Bridging Faithwalks in Adult Ministries" Tuesday through Friday.  We will = have a day back in Charlotte before driving to Richmond, VA, to attend the Mid-Winter meeting of= the Southeastern Jurisdictional Association of Older Adults Executive Committee= / Design Team at the Roslyn Center.  We will be  back on Tuesday night, Feb. 17t= h, the good Lord willing and the creeks don't rise...and there is no snow nor ice = to keep us from making it back!




The OWNBEY CLASS almost needed a Broadway "SRO" (Standing Room Only) sign on SUnda= y, Feb. 8th. Ginny & Wes Soule were accompanied by their three sons, Gregory, Richard & Ran= dy.  I think they needed their support as they announced that as soon as they are able to sell their house they will be moving to Minnesota to be nearer to Gregory and Richard; Randy wi= ll follow them a little later.


Rebecca Ferr= ell returned, telling us that her daughter is a survivor of her encounter with Hodgkin's disease.


Liz Lumadue<= /span> was the guest of Bob & Anne LumadueAnne was back and looking good following her accidental fall a couple of weeks ago.


Gerald & Rea Baxter, newly arrived church members from Winston-Salem, = NC, visited our class.  They live at 1530 Queens Road, #702Charlotte 28207 and their phone numbe= r is 704-342-0217.  If you get a chance, give them a call and welcome them.=


Gail Sink, a friend of Barbara Barden= visiting from Winston-Salem, was there to see if Barbara could teach. And Barbara did a fine job with the conclusion of the study of Ecclesiastes.




Virginia Gou= rley is recovering from total knee replacement surgery, and will be in <= st1:PlaceName>Presbyterian Orthopaedic Hospital, Room 406, for a bit this week, then she will be going home.

Mel Halpern<= /span> will be defying superstition on Friday, Feb. 13th, when he has foot surgery. Keep your black cats off the streets!

Len Chason is recuperating at home from back surgery.

Ellen Chason= will have cataract surgery on Tuesday, Feb. 24th.




The class will be in the capable hands of William Webb next Sunday mornin= g.


Carol Dougla= s will introduce the study of GOD'S SECRETARIES by Alan Nicolson, the story of the development of the King James Version of the BIBLE, one of the early translations into English from the Hebrew and Greek scriptures.  Carol makes the following reque= st of the class: Please read the King= James Version by next Sunday!  HA!


Birthdays:  John Rasberry - 18th; = Sydnor Thompson - 18th.  Wish them many happy returns of the = day!


Willard Gour= ley hopes to recruit some new faces (and bodies) for the Room in the End program that the Ownbey Class is committed to on Friday / Saturday, March 12-13.&nb= sp; Volunteer now!


Louis Bledso= e will conclude the review of GOD'S SECRETARIES on Sunday, Feb. 22nd.


Les Ackerman= , accompanied by Eric Hillestad= and Gordon Hann will present a Concert of Organ with Instruments on Sunday, Feb. 15, at 4:00 p.m., in the sanctuary of Myers Pa= rk UMC.  Enjoy an outstanding musical experience!


DOUG MAYES legendary media personality, will be the featured program for Adults Plus! = on Wednesday, February 18th.  The program gets underway at 10:30 a.m. in PLB 107, followed by lun= ch in Jubilee Hall ($5.00) at noon.=   Make your reservation as soon as possible to hear this fine program.


Our own Jame= s Howell will introduce us to St. Francis of Assisi as he begins his series on Saints and Heroes on Sunday, Feb. 22nd, = 7:00 p.m., in the Luther Snyder Bible Class room.  Included in = the evening presentation will be a visual tour of the medieval town of Assisi


ASH WEDNESDAY, Feb. 25th, will provide an opportunity = to pray and reflect on one's spiritual journey as the Labyrinth will be availa= ble for a walk in the Francis Chapel from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.


Myers Park UMC's annual Spiritual Life Retreat will fe= ature Rev. Dr. Zan Holmes, known to most as the speaker who introduces the DISCIPLE BIBLE STUDY videos.  The Retreat will be held on Saturday, March 6, 9:00 a.m. - noon.  This is a "don't miss it" event!


Mark March 14th on your calendar today so you wil= l be present to hear Ambassador Jack P= erry speaking on "Christianity on War and Peace: Comparing World War II and Today".  The presentation will be in Room 035, Snyder Building at 7:00 p.m.


In gratitude for His grace,



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