Hi, Ownbey classmates, Last weekMarie and I have been across the Western Continental Divide twice, flying over the northern ranges of the snow-covered Rocky Mountains.  After getting home for a day, we headed east to Richmond, VA...almost making it a coast-to-coast trip! I have heard great reports on Carol Douglas' review of God's Secretaries last week, along with the comment that the class started with a lot of announcements.  I sometimes wonder if we should reserve a Sunday for announcements only...nah!  Announcements may come in bunches, but they don't ripen like bunches of grapes.  One has to deal with them as they come. Doug Mayes did a fantastic presentation at Adults Plus! last Wednesday morning.  He met lots of folks he had visited in their homes over the years he was in radio and TV. In Our Prayers: Remember...Len & Ellen Chason ~ he is recuperating from surgery and she is the caregiver expecting cataract surgery on the 24th!Mel & Cristina Halpern ~ he is recuperating from foot surgery and a bad reaction to medication; she is the caregiver!Virginia & Willard Gourley ~ she is recuperating from total knee replacement and he is the caregiver!There may be others I don't know about yet...if so, we will catch them on Sunday morning! This week and beyondLou Bledsoe concludes the review of God's Secretaries Sunday morning. Next in the batting order (baseball time is almost here!) will be Ace Walker leading off on The Transformation of the American Religion as we begin a 3-week review. Sunday night, 2/22, James Howell begins his series of studies on Saints and Heroes, focusing on St. Francis of Assisi and the town of Assisi.  Come to Room 035 (Luther Snyder Class) at 7:00 p.m. Chick Thompson will have a special on Tuesday evening, 2/24, 7 - 8:30 p.m. on his encounter and continuing friendship with actor Robert DeNiro. He will be presenting that program with film clips at the West Blvd. Branch Library.  (If I got anything wrong I will correct it Sunday; I am working from memory!) YOU are invited to walk the Labyrinth on Wednesday, 2/25, which is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Lenten season.  Ash Wednesday services will be held at 8:15 a.m., 12:15 p.m., and 8:15 p.m. after the Wonderful Wednesday classes. Down the road will be the Myers Park UMC Spiritual Life Retreat on Saturday, 3/6, 9 - noon. The leader of the Spiritual Life Retreat will be the Rev. Dr. Zan Holmes, from Dallas, TX.  Anyone who has taken a Disciple Bible Study course will recognize him as the one who introduces the video used at the beginning of each lesson.  Reservations should be phoned in. ADULTS PLUS! is offering some great Day Trips and at least one 5-day trip this spring.  Check the Bulletin Board in the classroom or the Adult Ministry Table outside the Adult Education office for details.  The deadline on the first trip to the Titanic Exhibit in Raleigh is 2/24. I hope to see everyone on Sunday! Bill
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