"The snow is snowing, the wind is blowing..." and I hope each and all are
warm and well! We have a rarity Sunday...a 5th Sunday in February!
Come and celebrate with us! IN OUR PRAYERSMel Halpern
is on the mend, though it will be several weeks before he is ready to run
any foot races. His caregiver, Cristina, was able to get out
and come to hear about St. Francis of Assisi Sunday night.Virginia Gourley,
recuperating from total knee replacement, had to drive the car for
Willard because his right arm was in a cast. They are taking
turns being caregivers to each other.Len Chason continues to improve
from back surgery. Ellen had cataract surgery last Tuesday. LAST
WEEKLou Bledsoe concluded the review of God's Secretaries,
reminding the class of the beauty of the King James Version, and that Jesus
did NOT have the KJV as his Bible! We had Rea & Gerald
Baxter, Lou Jones, Len & Ellen Chason, Randy
& Eleanor Harris, and Syd & Grace Elkins with
us Sunday. Hope to see all of you again this week! James
Howell was ambushed by a SRO crowd Sunday night for St. Francis of
Assisi. Aside from the crowded conditions, one could hear and understand
every word! Chick Thompson talked about his friendship with
actor Robert DeNiro that followed hiring him to perform in a commercial
for Duke Power in the late '60's. The talk was at the West Blvd.
Branch Library, and it was worth the drive. Chick was right
in saying that it was a safe place! It was good to see all the students
studying there on Tuesday night! Wish you had been there! Skip
Heintzelman talked about the day trips and a 5-day trip later
this spring at the beginning of class. Information about the trips
can be found on the bulletin board or the table outside Barbara Barden's
office. THIS WEEKAce Walker begins the review of The
Transformation of the American Church. The following weeks will
be led by Don Hammer and Sydnor Thompson. March 1 ~
Prof. Stanley Hauerwas, Duke Divinity School, will be the presenter
of the 20th Annual Loy H. Witherspoon Lecture at 7:30 p.m., Monday,
in Jubilee Hall. March 6 ~ The Myers Park UMC Spiritual Life Retreat
will be led by the Rev. Dr. Zan Holmes from Dallas, TX, beginning
at 9:00 a.m. and concluding at noon on Saturday. Coffee & Pastries
in the lobby at 8:45 a.m. Reservations requested; p;ease call 704.376.5520,
ext. 5250. His presentation will be on "The Transforming Power of
Bible Study". March 6 ~ A dinner with Zan Holmes for those
who have been in a DISCIPLES BIBLE STUDY class will begin at 5:30 p.m.
and conclude at 7:00 p.m. Cost: $6.00 per person. Please call
and make a reservation. LOOKING AHEAD A BIT MOREMarch 11~ Don
Hammer, Curriculum Chair, invites everyone to come to the quarterly
meeting of the Curriculum Committee at 7:00 p.m. in Room 110 (that's our
classroom!) and bring a suggestion for a book you would like to have reviewed
or studied. March 14 ~ Ambassador Jack Perry will be speaking
on "Christianity on War and Peace: Comparing World War II and Today" in
Room 035, Snyder Building at 7:00 p.m. Sounds interesting. August
9 -12 ~ The Conference on Older Adult Ministries at Lake Junaluska, sponsored
by the Southeastern Jurisdictional Association of Older Adults, promises
to be a great conference this year. Pick up a brochure in the classroom
or outside the Education Office. October 11 - 14 ~ Adults Plus! Spiritual
Life Retreat will feature the leadership of Marvin Cropsey, the
editor of Mature Years at The United Methodist Publishing House
AND a train trip through the Natahala Gorge. Watch for more information!!! Time
to put this to bed. I'm tired. See YOU Sunday! Bill