>Mel Halpern, Len Chason, Virginia Gourley, Tom Sills, the Costa Rica Mission Teams and Steve James, and others you know in your thoughts and prayers this week!



>Fifty-eight (58) were in attendance as Sydnor Thompson completed the review of The Transformation of American Religion, supplemented with Robinson's Transforming Congregational Culture, a book included in the 2nd quarter's curriculum.

>Guests last week:  Wendell & Ralph Gable, Carol Reedy's family, and Laura Witherington.

>Ownbey members were well represented for Ambassador Jack Perry's talk last Sunday night.



>Gaston Gage introduces the review of The Creed by Luke Timothy Johnson (Emory U.).  James Howell's sermons and emails on the Apostle's Creed have provided food for thought.  The Creed, however, deals with the Nicene Creed (see UMHymnal #880).  The review will be continued by Carol Douglas (3/28) and Marie Pearce (4/4).

>"Dorothy Day" (not the same as Doris Day!) will be the topic of James Howell's SAINTS and HEROES tonight at 7:00 p.m., Jubilee Hall.

>Door Prizes this week: Come to class and receive a copy of "Studies for Ownbey Class - Second Quarter - 2004".



>Carol Douglas' son, Thomas J. Sills, has been deployed to the middle East (probably Iraq); he can be emailed at  Take a few minutes to send him a greeting...TODAY!

>Joyce Witherington shares the information that the Chancel Choir and members of theCharlotte Symphony will present Handel's MESSIAH on Palm Sunday, April 4th, at 4 p.m.

>YOU can experience a different style of worship at the Jazz Services in Jubilee Hall at 11 a.m. on Sundays 3/28, 4/4, and 4/11.  Each service will feature a jazz emsemble and choir, with the sermon broadcast live from the sanctuary using the projector screens.

>Adults Plus! is sponsoring the annual Spiritual Life Retreat, Oct. 11-13 at Lambuth Inn, Lake Junaluska, with an add-on of a Great Smoky Mountains Train Trip through the Natahal Gorge Oct. 13-14.  Make your reservations today while space is available.


See you Sunday!

Bill & Marie

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