Hello, everyone! Spring is wonderful! Enjoy every minute of it!
>38 showed up for class, and Robin, Harold & Evelyn Clark's daughter, was our visitor.
>Gaston Gage began the review of Luke Timothy Johnson's THE CREED, providing some thought-provoking questions to consider. A copy ot THE CREED is in the Library.
THIS WEEK ~ Beginning Sunday, 3/28
>>Carol Douglas continues the review of THE CREED; the major focus of the book is the Nicene Creed rather than the Apostles Creed.
>>A JAZZ SERVICE beginning this Sunday and continuing through Easter at 11 a.m. will feature a jazz ensemble and choir and the sermon projected from the Sanctuary. Where? In Jubilee Hall.
>>3/29 ~ Administrative Board, Monday, 7:00 p.m., Jubilee Hall.
>>3/31 ~ Film Night, a new venture, will feature the Robin Williams' movie, What Dreams May Come. The story line deals with a man's agonizing search for his loved ones in the afterllife. A discussion will follow!
>>Thursday, 4/1 ~ Deadline for ordering an Easter Lily for the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday.
>>>4/4 ~ Dr. Peter Storey, former pastor and bishop and currently faculty member at Duke Divinity School, will preach at the 9:45 and 11 a.m. services. He will speak on "Truth, Reconciliation and Forgiveness" on Sunday night at 7 p.m. in Jubilee Hall.
>>>4/4 ~ Handel's MESSIAH (Easter/Passion portion) will be presented at 4 p.m.in the Sanctuary by the Choir, vocal soloists and musicians from the Charlotte Symphony.
>>>4/8 ~ Maundy Thursday Communion Service, 7:30 p.m., Sanctuary. An offering for Loaves and Fishes will be received.
>>>4/9 ~ Good Friday Service, 7:30 p.m., Sanctuary.
>>>4/11 ~ EASTER!!!!
>>>>Dorothy Bridgeman & her sister, Mel Halpern, Wilma Miller, and others.
NOTE: MPUMC's Vision statement concludes with "MOBILIZE all for servant ministry in a needful world." ARE YOU MOBILIZED?
Bill & Marie