REMEMBER in your thoughts and prayers these folks, others you know, and their CAREGIVERS...
>Randy Harris is at home and doing well.
>Dorothy Bridgeman and her sister.
>Mel Halpern continues to recuperate from his foot surgery.
>Wilma Miller and her mother, Ethel Park Broome.
>Others YOU know...
>>Twala Kruger officially joined the family of MPUMC at the Welcoming Ceremony last Monday night!
>>By my count we had 42 attending last Sunday, and I could account for the absence of at least seven members who are very regular in attendance.
>>Lou Bledsoe concluded the review of Robinson's Transforming Congregational Culture with the class members offering good participation with both questions and answers.
>Skip Heintzelman presented the recommendation that the class support the Minister's Discretionary Fund with a gift of $150.00 from the Helping Hands Fund; approved by the class.  Bob Grogan took a check into the Business Office where it created great excitement.  If you would like to make a personal contribution, you are invited to use one of the envelopes available in our classroom.
>>Jim Hatfield provided copies of "SUPPORT OUR TROOPS: ideas; copies are available in the classroom.
>>A whopping turnout of 24 were present to hear James Howell's presentation on Clarence Jordan last Sunday night as a part of the Saints & Heroes series.  Our class accounted for 25% of the attendance!
THIS WEEK: 5/2 - 8/04
>>>Chick Thompson (3rd) and Madeline Stanford (7th) celebrate birthdays!
>>>5/2 ~ Willard Gourley begins the review of Jane Marie Thibault's A DEEPENING LOVE AFFAIR: The Gift of God in Later Life.  The book is available in Goodness Gracious, the gift shop; remember all profits from sales go for mission projects!
>>>5/4 ~ James Howell & Rabbi Murray Ezring (Temple Israel) will talk about theological time and how we can learn more about our Judeo-Christian heritage in Jubilee Hall at 7 pm.
>>>For other opportunities, read the announcements & opportunities in the Sunday Worship Bulletin and The Cornerstone!
>>>>5/9 ~ Mother's Day!
>>>>5/9 ~ Jack Copeland and Joe Hamrick will lead the class into a second-hand experience of MISSION TRIPS, drawing on thieir experiences.  This venture should be exciting!
>>>>5/12 ~ We will have a CLASS MEETING following the Hot Wednesday supper; the meeting will be in our classroom, Parish Life Building 110.
>>>>Anita McIntosh will be available on Sunday, May 16th (9:30 - 11 a.m.) for the signing of her new book, MUSINGS & IMAGES, a collection of her poetry and paintings.  The signing, sponsored by the Library Ministry Team, will be held in the Church Library.  Other signing opportunities will be on Wednesday, May 19th in conjunction with ADULTS PLUS! (10 - 10:30 a.m.) and HOT WEDNESDAY (5 - 6 p.m.).
Did YOU invite a friend to come to class with you?
Take care!
Bill & Marie