I regret that I will be out of town Sunday, attending the Norman T. Allers Academy of Older Adult Ministries in Richmond, VA.  However, William Webb will provide capable leadership for the class, and I am sure that Jack Copeland and Joe Hamrick will present an exciting, entertaining, and challenging lesson on the joys of serving others through Mission Trips.
REMEMBER:  In your thoughts and prayer these folks, others you know, and their caregivers...
>BIRTHDAYS this week: Skip Heintzelman (10th).
>Randy Harris was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday afternoon for tests; possibility of fluid buildup.
>Dorothy Bridgeman and her sister.
>Grandpa Mel Halpern continues to recuperate from his foot surgery, with a few more weeks in the cast.
>Wilma Miller and her mother, Ethel Park Broome.
>Others you know...including classmates on the trip this week to Delaware.
>>Robin Funderburk, daughter of Harold & Evelyn Clark, joined the Ownbey Class!
>>By my count again we had 42 in attendance last Sunday.  Are we imitating a scratched record?
>>Willard Gourley began the review of Jane Marie Thibault's A DEEPENING LOVE AFFAIR: The Gift of God in Later Life, with a thoughtful and interesting presentation.  The book is available in Goodness Gracious, the gift shop.  Remember that all profits from sales in Goodness Gracious go for mission projects!
>>The Ezring/Howell dialogue on theological times was very informative and interesting on Tuesday night.
THIS WEEK: 5/9 - 5/15/04:
>>>Mother's Day is Sunday, May 9th.
>>>William Webb will be presiding at the class.
>>>5/9 ~ Jack Copeland and Joe Hamrick will lead us into a second-hand experience of Mission Trips, drawing on their experiences.  This should be an exciting adventure!
>>>5/12 ~ We will have a CLASS MEETING following the Hot Wednesday supper; the meeting has been relocated to Jubilee Hall as our classroom will be in use by another program, so let's get together at 6:30 p.m. over in the corner!
>>>For other opportunities read the announcements & opportunities listed in the Sunday Worship Bulletin and The Cornerstone!
>>>>5/16 ~ Marie Pearce will continue the review of A DEEPENING LOVE AFFAIR: The Gift of God in Later Life, focusing on the middle section of the book.  Pick up a copy in Goodness Gracious in order to learn more about God's gift in later life.
>>>>Anita McIntosh will be available on Sunday, May 16th (9:30 - 11 a.m.) for the signing of her new book, Musings & Images, a collection of her poetry and paintings.  The signing, sponsored by the Library Ministry Team, will be in the Church Library.  Other signing opportunities with Anita McIntosh will be on Wednesday, May 19th, in conjunction with Adults Plus! (10 - 10:30 a.m.) and Hot Wednesday (5 - 6 p.m.).
>>>>It is never too early to sign up for the SEJAOA Conference on Older Adult Ministries, August 9 - 12 at Lake Junaluska, or the Adults Plus! Spiritual Life Retreat October 11 - 14 at Lake Junaluska.  Go by the Adult Education Office (Barbara Barden's office) and sign up today!
Invite a friend to come to class with YOU this Sunday!
Take care!