Subject: OWNBEY CLASS MUSINGS ~ 5/16/04
From: William Pearce
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 14:32:36 -0700 (PDT)

REMEMBER...In your thoughts and prayers these folks, others you know, and their caregivers!
>BIRTHDAYS this week:  Randy Harris (17th).  Randy is at home and doing about the same. at the moment.
>Dorothy Bridgeman and her sister.
>Mel Halpern continues to recuperate from his foot surgery, with a bit more time in the cast.
>Others you know...
>>I've heard that Joe Hamrick & Jack Copeland presented an outstanding recruiting talk for Mission Trips.  Thanks, Joe & Jack!
>>Rumor has it that Skip Heintzelman & Hubert Wilson put together an exciting trip into Delaware last week.  Everyone I've heard from had high praise for the trip!
>>15 class members were present for the Class Meeting on Wednesday night; you will be hearing about some of the items discussed in the next few weeks.
THIS WEEK: 5/16 ~ 5/22/04
>>>5/16 ~ 6th Sunday of Easter.
>>>5/16 ~ Marie Pearce continues the review of A DEEPENING LOVE AFFAIR: The Gift of God in Later Life, focusing on the middle section of the book.  Pick up a copy in Goodness Gracious in order to learn more aout God's gift in later life.
>>>Anita McIntosh will be available this Sunday, May 16th (9:15 - 11 a.m.) for the signing of her new book, Musings & Images, a collection of her poetry and paintings.  The signing, sponsored by the Library Ministry Team, will be in the Church Library (right next door!).   Other signing opportunities with Anita will be on Wednesday, May 19th in conjunction with Adults Plus! (10 - 10:30 a.m. & 12:30 - 1 p.m.) and Hot Wednesday (5 - 6 p.m.).
>>>5/19 ~ Adults Plus! offers a special program featuring Anne Michael, a member of our Adult Choir and a viction of debilitating domestic violence, sharing her personal experience and outlining her activities aimed at curbing this serious problem.  Meeting begins at 10:30 a.m. in Parish Life Building Room 107; lunch at 12 noon in Jubilee Hall.  Call 704-376-5520, ext. 5200, by noon Tuesday to make a reservation for lunch ($5.00 for a great meal).
>>>For other opportunities read the announcements & opportunities in the Sunday Worship Bulletin and The Cornerstone!
>>>>5/23 ~ Sydnor Thompson will lead the concluding review of A DEEPENING LOVE AFFAIR by Jane Marie Thibault.
>>>>Billie Rose Uses the Knife, along with some of her children, will be here June 12 - 22.  There will be opportunities to meet her while she and her children are here, and perhaps learn a little more about the Lakota Indian Mission work Myers Park UMC supports.
>>>>It is never too early to sign up for the SEJAOA Conference on Older Adult Ministries, August 9 - 12, at Lake Junaluska, or for the Adults Plus! Spiritual Life Retreat October 11- 14 at Lake Junaluska.  Go to the Adult Education Office (Barbara Barden's office) and sign up today!  Why?  We have a limited number of rooms reserved at Lambuth Inn, and we have opened registration to folks at Providence UMC, Mouzon UMC, and Matthews UMC.  FIRST COME ~ FIRST SERVED!
Invite a FRIEND to come to class with YOU this Sunday!
Take care!