MUSINGS for May 23, 2004 are slim this week. I spend the past three days in DISCIPLE training!
REMEMBER in your thoughts and prayers these folks, others you know, and especially their caregivers...
>Birthdays this week: Carol Douglas (28th).
>Randy Harris is in Hospice at present.
>Mel Halpern is still recuperating from foot surgery.
>Dorothy Bridgeman and her sister.
>Others you know...
>>Marie Pearce had very good participation in the review of the middle chapters of Thiabault's book.
>>Class attendance suffered a pre-mature summer slump with attendance in the mid-30s.
THIS WEEK: 5/23 ~ 29/2004
>>>5/23 ~ 7th Sunday of Easter; Ascension Sunday; Aldersgate Sunday!
>>>5/23 ~ Sydnor Thompson completes the review of A DEEPENING LOVE AFFAIR: The Gift of God in Later Life, focusing on the closing chapters of the book. Copies of the book are available in Goodness Gracious and the Church Library.
>>>For other opportunities read the
announcements & opportunities in the Sunday Worship Bulletin and
The Cornerstone, or check the email announcements.
>>>>5/30 ~ Paul Guthery will focus our attention on the most misunderstood book of the Bible, Revelation, using the International Lesson series.
>>>>6/6 ~ Carol Douglas will continue our focus on Revelation.
>>>>6/13 ~ Gaston Gage will conclude the focus on Revelation.
>>>>6/16 ~ ADULTS PLUS! will offer an opportunity to meet Billie Rose Uses The Knife at the A+! Picnic at the home of Melvin & Anita McIntosh, 10 am - 3 p.m. Hopefully she will tell us more about the Lakota Indian Mission works we support at Myers Park UMC.
>>>>It is never too early to sign up for the SEJAOA Conference on Older Adult Ministries, August 9-12, at Lake Junaluska, or the ADULTS PLUS! Spiritual Life Retreat October
11-14 at Lake Junaluska. Go by the Adult Education Office
(Barbara Barden's office) and sign up today! We do have a limited
number of rooms available, and we have opened registration to folks
from Providence UMC, Mouzon UMC, and Matthews UMC. FIRST COME ~
Invite a FRIEND to come to class with YOU this Sunday!
Take care!