Subject: OWNBEY CLASS MUSINGS ~ 6/27-7/3/04
From: William Pearce
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 07:50:38 -0700 (PDT)

June 27, 2004


REMEMBER…in your thoughts and prayers these folks, others you know, and especially their caregivers

>Randy Harris continues to receive Hospice care at home.

>Others you know…



>>We were missing some of our faithful members, as Class attendance was just shy of 40!

>>6/20 ~ Durward Owen introduced the first of four sessions reviewing Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis, doing a great job of challenging our thinking!


THIS WEEK: 6/20~7/3/04

>>>6/27 ~ Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

>>>6/27 ~ Ace Walker continues the review of C. S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity. Check out one of the several copies in the Library so you can discuss the book with some understanding.

>>>6/27 ~ MPUMC hosts the first of two Charlotte American Guild of Organists concerts as Joseph Causby, organist, with cellist Thomas LaForgia fill the sanctuary with music at 7:30 p.m.


>>>Invite a FRIEND to come to class with YOU this Sunday!



>>>>7/4: 9:45 a.m.  ~ Head for JUBILEE HALL, check in with Nhora Moreno so we will know you are present, then gather somewhere near the coffee station in Jubilee Hall for a visit before sitting down and enjoying Ellen Robison’s lesson on “Singing Our Lives.” in Jubilee Hall.

>>>>7/11: 9:45 a.m.  ~ A second week in JUBILEE HALL as we enjoy Steve James’ lesson on “Living the Gospel in a Pluralistic World.”

>>>>7/18 ~ Come back to the classroom to continue the review of Mere Christianity under the tutelage of Chick Thompson.

>>>>7/25 ~ Reatha Andrew will conclude the review of Mere Christianity.

>>>>8/15 & 18 ~ Adult Sunday School Class Fair & ASSC Teacher Recognition

>>>>It is not too late to sign up for the SEJAOA Conference on Older Adult Ministries, 9/9-12 at Lake Junaluska. 

>>>>9/10 is the deadline for signing up for the Adults Plus! Spiritual Life Retreat 10/11-14 at Lake Junaluska.  Go by the Adult Education Office (Barbara Barden’s office) and sign up today!  We do have a limited number of rooms available, and we have opened registration to folks from Providence UMC, Mouzon UMC, and Matthews UMC.  FIRST COME ~ FIRST SERVED!

>>>>Save 9/19, 9/26, 10/24 & 11/7 for the special programs featuring James Howell, Dr. Tom Hanchett as a part of the 75th Anniversary Celebration of our beautiful Sanctuary, Dr. Allen Verhey, and Dr. Ben Witherington III.  Mark your calendar today so you won’t schedule something else!!!

>>>>12.2-4 ~ Christmas in Georgia, the Adults Plus! trip to Callaway Gardens, Stone Mountain, and other places south!  Check the board for information, or stop by the Adult Ed office table for additional information.

>>>For other opportunities read the announcements & opportunities in the Sunday Worship Bulletin and The Cornerstone, or check the email announcements and the MPUMC web site.





Page 2 features Bob Lumadue’s poetic tribute to Wes and Ginny Soule; scan down and read it again for the first time!




No, Wes and Ginny, we don’t like it one iota

That we’ve heard that you are bound for Minnesota!


You see, the two of you have made such a good strong contribution –

You are not part of the problem – but always the solution!


When you had some comments, they were always wise and sage –

With a wisdom borne of logic, love and, of course, age!


Wes, with his accountant’s sharp, clear, ordered mind –

Ginny, with her thoughtful ways of being kind –


With your random acts of kindness, senseless deeds of love –

We fear you two will be “found guilty: - yes, by us and God above!


If we needed song, Wes was there with “Soule music” for the ear –

If we needed nourishment, Ginny came with “Soule food” – what a dear!


And through it all, the two of them were one big sweet “chorale”

Of cheer, good feelings, loyalty, boosts to our morale!


Their love of friends and of course family knew no bounds –

They have more than plenty – filial, agape, spiritual – to go around.


And then, to top it off, they shared with us their Randy – what a guy!

We will really miss his hugs, his happiness, his humor wry!


Yes, we will miss you something fierce, we make no bones –

Perhaps, just maybe, we could somehow make some clones!


So that when you’re up there braving Minnesota’s cold and storms

We would have your “replicas” down here where they’d be warm!


Seriously, folks, we hope and pray you’ll keep in touch –

Because we all love you, so very, very much!!


          OUR BEST TO THE BEST!!

~ Bob Lumadue – June 13, 2004