August 1, 2004


BIRTHDAYS:  Paul Guthery ~ 5th


REMEMBER…in your thoughts and prayers these folks, others you know, and especially their caregivers

>Wes Soule is healing slowly but surely, though the shoulder injury is uncomfortable…

>Ellen Chason had hand surgery last week and will require three months of therapy…

>Randy Harris continues to receive Hospice care at home…

>Karla Hauersperger continues her recuperation…

>Youth Mission Group currently in Tennessee at Mountain TOP…

>Others you know…



>>July 25 ~ More than 30 class members were present to hear Reatha Andrew will conclude our review of MERE CHRISTIANITY by C. S. Lewis.  Good job!

>>July 26 ~ Gaston Gage, in preparation for next Sunday’s lesson, emailed a brief summary of the 1st 6 chapters to all who receive emails.


THIS WEEK: August 1 - 7, 2004

>>>August 1 ~ Ninth Sunday after Pentecost; Friendship Day

>>>August 1 ~ Skip Heintzelman will report for the Helping Hands Committee; see the financial report below.

>>>August 1 ~ Gaston Gage begins the review of THE CREATOR AND THE COSMOS BY Hugh Ross, Ph.D. 

>>>August 1 ~ Sunday School Option (Jubilee Hall) will be James Howell speaking on “MARY MAGNALENE.

>>>August 1 ~ MPUMC BLOOD DRIVE, 8:30 am – 1:30 pm in Parish Life Building Rooms 106-108.

>>>’TIS TIME TO SIGN UP FOR THAT “YUM! YUM!  It IS foot-stompin’, finger-lickin’ good!” BBQ PARTY, hosted by Ann & Jack Copeland on Friday, Sept. 24th, 6:30 p.m.  The cost has increased to $13. 00 per person to be paid to Linda Myers (704-522-8373); a check is preferred, but cash is acceptable!  Signup on the  clip board Sunday!  Deadline for paid reservations will be Sept. 19th as the caterer needs to know how many to prepare for not later than the 20th

>>>Invite a FRIEND to come to class with YOU this Sunday!



>>>>Lou Bledsoe & Sydnor Thompson will continue the review of THE CREATOR AND THE COSMOS on the 8th and 15th of August respectively.

>>>>August 15 & 18 ~ Adult Sunday School Class Fair & ASSC Teacher Recognition.


TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES: Check the lisiting of Senior United Methodist Travel Opportunities (available on the Adult Ministry Table outside of the Adult Education Office) for a variety of day trips, overnighters, and extended trips offered through cooperation among Myers Park UMC, Matthews UMC, Mouzon UMC, and Providence UMC.  Please note that the Callaway Gardens/Stone Mountain Holiday on Nov. 18-20 is offered by Mouzon UMC and Myers Park UMC Adults Plus! is offering a similar trip two weeks later at a savings of $94.00/person double.

>>>>>Dec. 2-4 ~ Christmas in Georgia, the Adults Plus! trip to Callaway Gardens, Stone Mountain, and other places south!  Check the board for information, or stop by the Adult Education Office table for additional information.  Registrations now being taken. 


1/4/2004 through 6/30/2004


INCOME                                             PROJECT                                          AMOUNT        TOTAL____

1/1/2004          Opening Balance                                                                                            $2,719.42



3/29/04            Donation                      Gift _ Anonymous                               $      99.00

4/21/04            Donation                      Gift – Carl Hawn                                          50.00

                                                                                                                        $    149.00

TOTAL            ………………………………………………………………………………………………$2868.42



4/11/04                                                South Tryon Church Luncheon          $  143.89

4/26/04                                                Minister’s Discretionary Fund             $   150.00

6/14/04                                                South Tryon Church Soup Kitchen            20.00


TOTAL EXPENDITURES                                                                               $   313.89


BALANCE 6/30/04…………………………………………………………………….…………..$2554.53



>>>>>ONE LAST CHANCE to sign up for the SEJAOA Conference on Older Adult Ministries, Aug. 9-12 at Lake Junaluska.  Brochures are available on the Adult Ministry Table.

>>>>>Sept. 10th is the deadline for signing up for the Adults Plus! Spiritual Life Retreat & Great Smoky Mountain Train Ride through the Natahala Gorge on Oct. 11-14 at Lake Junaluska.  Go by the Adult Education Office (Barbara Barden’s office) and sign up today!  We do have a limited number of rooms available, and we have opened registration to folks from Providence UMC, Mouzon UMC, and Matthews UMC.  >>>>FIRST COME ~ FIRST SERVED!<<<<

>>>>For other opportunities read the announcements & opportunities in the SUNDAY WORSHIP BULLETIN and THE CORNERSTONE, or check the email announcements and the MPUMC web site.


>>>>>DATES YOU WILL WANT TO MARK ON YOUR CALENDAR…Please note that times have not been determined for many of these events at this time.  Please wait patiently!

>>>>>Sign up for DISCIPLE BIBLE STUDY classes this fall. Make the commitment you’ve thought about and grow in both faith and knowledge!  Registration begins in August!  There is a tan card on the table outside the Adult Education Office listing the days AND TIMES for the DISCIPLE BIBLE STUDY classes being offered this year.

>>>>>Mary Katherine Vass, our class member who describes herself as a “member who attends everything at church except Sunday School” wants to let everyone know that she and Barbara Lee will be facilitating “Jesus in the Gospels”, a second-generation study to DISCIPLE, on Tuesday mornings, 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. this fall.

>>>>>Sept. 19 for  ~ James Howell’s introduction of his new book and a challenge to participate in a series of studies based on the book.

>>>>>Sept. 26 ~ Dr. Tom Hanchett will participate in the 75th Anniversary Celebration of our beautiful Sanctuary.

>>>>>Oct. 1 – 2 ~ Dr. Elaine Pagels, author of The Gnostic Gospels and Beyond Belief, books we have reviewed, will be appearing at Myers Park Baptist Church.  Check for additional information and times.

>>>>>Oct. 24 ~ Dr. Allen Verhey will be featured as a speaker.  Topic to be announced.