08/01/04 IMPORTANT NOTICE about the Ownbey Web Sites: During August, 2004, Please give feedback if you find the two Ownbey Web sites helpful and you want them continued; otherwise they are scheduled to go off line 09/01/04. Use xxdon@donredding.com without the "XX" part of the address. The two sites are
Subject: OWNBEY CLASS MUSINGS - August 8, 2004 |
From: William Pearce |
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 08:16:16 -0700 (PDT) |
REMEMBER…in your thoughts and prayers these folks, others you know, and especially their caregivers…
>Wes Soule is healing slowly but surely, though the shoulder injury is uncomfortable…
>Ellen Chason had additional hand surgery last week and will require three months of therapy…
>Randy Harris continues to receive Hospice care at home…
>Others you know…
>>August 1 ~ Gaston Gage began the review of THE CREATOR AND THE COSMOS BY Hugh Ross, Ph.D. for those of us to attended class. Thanks for a good introduction.
>>August 1 ~ Skip Heintzelman
reported for the Helping Hands Committee, recommending the class adopt
a quarterly hands-on project and make a $150.00 contribution to
MedAssist. Since the quorum was all present and voting, the vote of approval was unanimous.
>>BBQ Sign-up gathered several names. The SIGN-UP DEADLINE will be Sept. 19th.
>>August 4 ~ An opportunity
arose to support the ministry of South Tryon Community Church (UMC) by
enabling two members to attend the SEJAOA Conference on Older Adult
Ministries at Lake Junaluska, August 9 – 12, using $400.00 from the
Ownbey Projects Fund, pending approval by the class.
>>>August 8 ~ Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
>>>Lou Bledsoe continues the review of THE CREATOR AND THE COSMOS.
>>>Invite a FRIEND to come to class with YOU this Sunday!
>>>>August 15 ~ Sydnor Thompson will conclude the review of THE CREATOR AND THE COSMOS on the 8th and 15th of August respectively.
>>>>August 15 ~ DISCIPLE BIBLE STUDY Orientation classes start. Don’t get left behind!
>>>>August 15 & 18 ~ Adult Sunday School Class Fair & ASSC Teacher Recognition Dinner.
>>>>August 18 ~ HOT WEDNESDAYS begin;
>>>>August 22 ~ Hear Les Ackerman’s Summer Organ Recital at
>>>>>DON’T GET LEFT BEHIND! Sept. 10this the deadline for signing up for the Adults Plus! Spiritual Life Retreat & Great Smoky Mountain Train Ride through the Natahala Gorge on Oct. 11-14 at Lake Junaluska. Go by the Adult Education Office (Barbara Barden’s office) and sign up today! We do have a limited number of rooms available, and we have opened registration to folks
Providence UMC, Mouzon UMC, and Matthews UMC. >>>>FIRST COME ~ FIRST SERVED!<<<<
>>>>>Dec. 2-4 ~ Christmas in Georgia, the Adults Plus! trip to Callaway Gardens, Stone Mountain, and other places south! Check the board for information, or stop by the Adult Education Office table for additional information. Registrations now being taken; deadline is November 1st!
>>>>>Sept. 19 for ~ James Howell’s introduction of his new book and a challenge to participate in a series of studies based on the book.
>>>>>Sept. 26 ~ Dr. Tom Hanchett will participate in the 75th Anniversary Celebration of our beautiful Sanctuary.
>>>>>September 30 - October 2 ~ Dr. Elaine Pagels, author of The Gnostic Gospels and Beyond Belief, books we have reviewed, will be appearing at Myers Park Baptist Church. This is part of The Jesus the Christ in the 21st Century seminar program of Myers Park Baptist Church. Please check www.mpbconline.org for additional information and times.
>>>>>Oct. 24 ~ Dr. Allen Verhey will be featured as a speaker. Topic to be announced.