Subject: OWNBEY CLASS MUSINGS ~ September 12, 2004
From: William Pearce
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 06:19:21 -0700 (PDT)

Hope each and all enjoy the weekend!

 September 12, 2004




NOTE: >>>YES, and TIME IS RUNNING OUT TO SIGN UP FOR THAT “YUM! YUM!  It IS foot-stompin’, finger-lickin’ good!” BBQ PARTY, hosted by Ann & Jack Copeland on Friday, Sept. 24th, 6:30 p.m.,  at 2044 Sherwood Ave. The cost is $13  per person to be paid to Linda Myers (704-522-8373); a check is preferred, but cash is acceptable!  Signup on the clip board Sunday or call Linda Myers to make YOUR reservation!  Last Call to BBQ” Deadline for paid reservations will be Sept. 19th as the caterer needs to know how many to prepare for not later than the 20th


Birthdays: :  Heathy Walker & Joyce Witherington ~  18th.


REMEMBER…in your thoughts and prayers these folks, others you know, and especially their caregivers

>Harold Clark passed away on Monday, Sept. 6th.  His funeral was on Friday, Sept. 10th, 2:00 p.m. at Myers Park UMC…

>Wes Soule is healing slowly but surely, though he does need to exercise regularly!…

>Ellen Chason is still receiving therapy for her hand…

>Randy Harris continues to receive Hospice care at home; the defibulator has been deprogrammed…

>Others you know…



>>The class had a surprise visitor, Ginny Soule; she had come to take their son, Randy, to Minnesota after flying in on Friday and flying out Monday.

>>For Labor Day Weekend we had a class attendance of about 40!  Everyone seemed to enjoy the poetry presentations under the direction of Bob Lumadue & Don Hammer.  How about another session sometime in the future as several class members had brought their favorite poems and we ran out of time?

>>The class approved two Helping Hands projects presented by Skip Heintzelman: a donation of $250.00 to the Clarence Boyd Scholarship Fund at South Tryon Community Church and to provide lunch on Saturday, Sept. 25th, for the workers on the Habitat for Hum anity home being built.


THIS WEEK: Sept. 12 – Sept. 18, 2004

>>>Sept. 12 ~ 15th Sunday after Pentecost; Grandparents’ Day

>>>Sept. 12 ~ Tracy Kidder’s book, Mountains Beyond Mountains, will be the focus of the review by Chick Thompson. 

>>>Sept. 12 ~ Like brass?  The Festival of Music at 7 p.m. tonight will feature two brass quintets and Les Ackerman at the organ.

>>>Sept. 15 ~ Adults Plus! fall programming begins with Giant Genie Pharmacist Robbie Jones tackling the subject of the Medicare Prescription Card.   The program begins at 10:30 a.m. in Parish Life Building Room 107; lunch will be served at noon in Jubilee Hall at the cost of $5.00.  Make your reservation by Tuesday noon, Sept. 14th. by calling 704.376.5520, ext. 5200.

>>>Sept. 15 ~ Hot Wednesday is in session!  Check the church bulletin for after-supper activities.


>>>Invite a FRIEND to come to class with YOU this Sunday!



>>>>Sept. 19 ~ Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder will be concluded by Ace Walker.

>>>>Sept. 19  ~ James Howell will be introducing his new book and offering a challenge to participate in a series of studies based on the book.  The program will be at 7 p.m. in Jubilee Hall.

>>>>Sept. 26 ~ Paul Guthery concludes the quarter’s reviews and studies with a lesson focusing on 1st & 2nd Timothy.  Those two books are in your BIBLE; please read them before you come to class!

>>>>Sept. 26 ~ Dr. Tom Hanchett will participate in the 75th Anniversary Celebration of our beautiful Sanctuary.  The service will be at 7 p.m.


>>>>For other opportunities always read the announcements & opportunities in the SUNDAY WORSHIP BULLETIN and THE CORNERSTONE, or check the email announcements and the MPUMC web site .



OOPS! Friday was the 10th, when the final payment for the ADULTS PLUS! SPIRITUAL LIFE RETREAT was due!  Talk sweetly to Barbara Barden and you might be lucky enough to get a chance to sign up early this week.  The Retreat + The Great Smoky Mountain Train Ride is October 11 – 14 at Lake Junaluska AND the ride along the Natahala.


TOO HOT FOR YOU?  WANT TO GET INTO THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT?  Take a trip…not just any trip, but a trip with your friends who are going, too… 


And on >>>>>Dec. 2-4 ~ “Christmas in Georgia, the Adults Plus! trip to Callaway Gardens, Stone Mountain, and other places south!  Check the board for information, or stop by the Adult Education Office table for additional information.  Registrations n ow being taken; deadline is November 1st! 


OTHER TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES: Check the listing of Senior United Methodist Travel Opportunities (available on the Adult Ministry Table outside of the Adult Education Office) for a variety of day trips, overnighters, and extended trips offered through cooperation among Myers Park UMC, Matthews UMC, Mouzon UMC, and Providence UMC.  Please note that the Callaway Gardens/Stone Moun tain Holiday on Nov. 18-20 is offered by Mouzon UMC and Myers Park UMC Adults Plus! offers a similar and we think, better trip two weeks later at a savings of $94.00/person double.


>>>>>DATES YOU WILL WANT TO MARK ON YOUR CALENDAR…Please note that times have not been determined for many of these events at this time.  Please wait patiently!

>>>>>Sept. 30 – Oct. 2 ~ Dr. Elaine Pagels, author of The Gnostic Gospels and Beyond Belief, books we have reviewed, will be appearing at Myers Park Baptist Church.  This is part of The Jesus the Christ in the 21st Century seminar program of Myers Park Baptist Church.  Please check for additional information and times.

>>>>>Oct. 24 ~ Dr. Allen Verhey will be featured as a speaker.  Topic to be announced.