Subject: OWNBEY CLASS MUSINGS ~ September 19, 2004
From: William Pearce
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 11:09:52 -0700 (PDT)

 See you in class Sunday!

September 19, 2004




NOTE: >>>Last Call for that “YUM! YUM!  It IS foot-stompin’, finger-lickin’ good!” BBQ PARTY, hosted by Ann & Jack Copeland on Friday, Sept. 24th, 6:30 p.m., at 2044 Sherwood Ave. The cost is $13  per person to be paid to Linda Myers (704-522-8373); a check payable to Linda Myers is preferred, but cash is acceptable!  Signup on the clip board Sunday or call Linda Myers to make YOUR reservation!  Deadline for paid reservations will be Sunday, Sept. 19th as the caterer needs to know how many to prepare for not later than the 20th.


Birthdays: :  None this week! 


REMEMBER…in your thoughts and prayers these folks, others you know, and especially their caregivers

>Ellen Chason is still receiving therapy for her hand…

>Randy Harris continues to receive Hospice care at home; the defibulator has been deprogrammed…

>Others you know…



>>Bob Lumadue memorialized Harold Clark with the poem reproduced below.

>>Class attendance was in the mid-30s. Chick Thompson introduced Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracey Kidder, the story of Dr. Paul Farmer and his medical ministries in Haiti.  Lots of participation as the class discovered ties with the work of the church in Haiti.

>>The Curriculum Committee met on Wednesday night and outlined the studies/reviews for the 4th quarter.  A listing will be available as soon as all teachers are confirmed.

>>Lou Bledsoe agreed to serve as the chairperson of the Ownbey Class Nominations Committee looking forward to 2005.  He will be selected several others in the class to work with him in preparing a slate of officers to be elected.

>>The Festival of Music featuring the Act One brass quintet, a larger brass ensemble and Les Ackerman at the organ was enjoyed by many folks, including a good representation from the Ownbey Class.


THIS WEEK: Sept. 19 – Sept. 25, 2004

>>>Sept. 19 ~ 16th Sunday after Pentecost;

>>>Sept. 19 ~ Tracy Kidder’s book, Mountains Beyond Mountains, will be the focus of the concluding review by Ace Walker. 

>>>Sept. 19  ~ James Howell will be introducing his new book and offering a challenge to participate in a series of studies based on the book.  The program will be at 7 p.m. in Jubilee Hall.

>>>Sept. 22 ~ Hot Wednesday is in session!  Check the church bulletin for after-supper activities.


>>>Invite a FRIEND to come to class with YOU this Sunday!



>>>>Sept. 26 ~ Paul Guthery concludes the quarter’s reviews and studies with a lesson focusing on 1st & 2nd Timothy.  Those two books are in your BIBLE; please read them before you come to class!

>>>>Sept. 26 ~ Dr. Tom Hanchett will participate in the 75th Anniversary Celebration of our beautiful Sanctuary.  The service will be at 7 p.m.













                             He loved his family, and his LORD –

                     He loved us ALL, and he adored

His church, this choir, his hymns his friends –

His generosity knew no ends!


“That he’ll be missed: does not come NEAR

To saying how we hold him dear.

Better now will heavenly anthems ring

As Clark, the “Harold” angel sings!!


You’ll always be leading songs in our hearts!!


                                  -Bob Lumadue

                                                             Poet Laureate, Ownbey Class

                                                             September 12, 2004