Subject: OWNBEY CLASS MUSINGS - October 10 - 16, 2004 |
From: William Pearce |
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 2004 10:53:57 -0700 (PDT) |
SPECIAL NOTE: Oct. 11-14 ~ For those attending the Adults
Plus! Spiritual Life Retreat, the weather forecast at Lake
Junaluska for Monday through Thursday is: Mon. – PC, 66/44; Tues. – SH,
68/45; Wed. – PC, 70/46; & Thurs. – PC, 67/43.
It may be cooler in the Gorge on Wednesday!
Pack accordingly!
REMEMBER…in your thoughts and prayers these folks,
others you know, and especially their caregivers…
>Ann Copeland is recovering
from a broken arm, just below the elbow…
>Ken Buker is recovering nicely
from surgery; a follow-up appointment (home to doctor and back) took
only 45 minutes Friday. That has to be a
“Believe-It-Or-Not!” record!
>Ellen Chason continues recovery
for her hand…
>Karla Hauersperger is
recovering from emergency surgery
>Charlie King
suffered a heart attack; following surgery implant of a stent he shows
some signs of improvement…
>Others you know…
>>William Webb began the review of A WAY OF LIFE IN THE WORLD:
Spiritual Practices or United Methodists by Kenneth H. Carter,
Jr., pastor of Providence UMC in
>>Bob Lumadue Ownbey Class Poet Laureate, read a poem of remembrance for Randy Harris. In addition, two hymnals were
dedicated to the memory of Harold Clark and
Randy Harris, along with a gift to the Helping Hands Fund
in their memory.
>>Skip Heintzelman presented
two service opportunities plus an opportunity to indicate what days are
better suited for everyone to be involved in service projects. Hopefully, every member of the class will
indicate days that work best for her or him.
WEEK: Oct, 10-16, 2004
.>>>Oct.10 ~
19th Sunday after Pentecost; Laity Sunday;
National Children’s Day
10 ~ Willard Gourley will
conclude the review of A WAY OF LIFE
IN THE WORLD: :Spiritual
Practices for United Methodists by
Kenneth H. Carter, Jr., pastor at Providence UMC.
>>>Oct. 10 ~ Bishop J. Lawrence McCleskey, former pastor and
the new Resident Bishop of the Western North Carolina Conference, will
be installed here at Myers Park UMC in a Service
of Celebration at
>>>Oct.10 ~ Leap of Faith, Myers Park’s own
contemporary Christian music group, will perform in Jubilee Hall Sunday
evening at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome to
attend an evening of music.
>>>Oct. 11-12 ~ Flu Shots will be available in
Rooms 106-108,
3-29 ~
The Third Annual Faith and Arts
Exhibit, sponsored by the Faith and Arts
Commission, can be seen in the second floor lobby of the
>>>Oct.13 ~ Hot Wednesday is in session! Check the church bulletin for after-supper activities.
>>>Invite a FRIEND
to come to class with YOU this Sunday!
17 ~ Don Hammer will revisit MOUNTAINS
BEYOND MOUNTAINS, exploring the drive
that leads Dr. Paul Farmer to his health ministries, especially the
one-on-one ministry in
>>>>Oct. 17 ~ You are invited to form a
walking team or make it a family event and combat hunger together at
the CROP WALK. Contact
Todd Blanton
or Alisa Lasater to get a
registration form or for more information.
20 ~ Adults Plus! will have a program related to HOSPICE CARE,
presented by Kristine Hunt. Be sure to call in
your reservation by Tuesday
fellowship beginning at
>>>>Oct. 24 ~ Barbara Barden will explore
>>>>Oct. 24 ~ Dr. Allen Verhey,
>>>>Oct. 31 ~ Chick Thompson will explore some of the thoughts of theologian Reinhold Niebuhr from THE ESSENTIAL REINHOLD NIEBUHR: Essays and Addresses edited by Robert McAfee Brown on Halloween Sunday!
7 ~ The Ownbey Class Curriculum Committee urges everyone to
check in with Nhora Moreno, then attend the Rev. Dr. Ben
Witherington III’s combined Sunday School presentation in Jubilee
Hall at