Subject: OWNBEY CLASS MUSINGS ~ October 17-23, 2004 |
From: William Pearce <> |
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 08:11:34 -0700 (PDT) |
October 17, 2004
SCHOOL time is 9:45 - 10:35 a.m.
REMEMBER…in your thoughts and prayers these folks,
others you know, and especially their caregivers…
>Ann Copeland is recovering
from a broken arm, just below the elbow…
>Ellen Chason continues recovery
for her hand…
>Karla Hauersperger is
recovering from emergency surgery
>>Skip Heintzelman reminded
the class of two service opportunities plus an opportunity to indicate
what days are better suited for everyone to be involved in service
projects. Hopefully, every member of the
class will indicate days that work best for her or him.
>>Oct. 10 ~ Willard
Gourley concluded the review of
A WAY OF LIFE IN THE WORLD: :Spiritual Practices for United Methodists by Kenneth H. Carter, Jr., pastor at Providence UMC. Good job!
>>Oct. 10 ~ Bishop J. Lawrence McCleskey,
former pastor and the new Resident Bishop of the Western North Carolina
Conference, preached a great sermon here at Myers Park UMC in a Service of Celebration at 4 p.m.
WEEK: Oct, 17-23, 2004
>>>Oct. 17 ~ Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost; Laity Sunday (UM)
17 ~ Don Hammer revisits MOUNTAINS
BEYOND MOUNTAINS, exploring the drive
that leads Dr. Paul Farmer to his health ministries, especially the
one-on-one ministry in Haiti. Remember
that Ace Walker left us with the question of “micro vs. macro”
medicine; is Dr. Farmer wasting his time and talent doctoring
individuals in Haiti when he is a world-known specialist in AIDS,
Malaria, TB, etc.?
>>>Oct. 17 ~ You are invited to form a
walking team or make it a family event and combat hunger together at
>>>Oct. 17 ~ Don’t eat that turkey sandwich for Sunday lunch! Buy a BBQ lunch from
the YMS Class and support their mission trip to Puerto Rico! $6.00 will get you a pork BBQ sandwich, baked
beans, cole slaw, potato salad, and tea! Pick
it up in the Parish Life Building between 10:45 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Jubilee Hall will be open for enjoying your
lunch with others between 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m.
No Advance reservations needed!
>>>Oct. 18 ~ Funeral for Charles
“Charlie” Elwin King, 11:00 a.m., Myers Park UMC.
3-29 ~
The Third Annual Faith and Arts
Exhibit, sponsored by the Faith and Arts
Commission, continues to be seen in the second floor lobby of the
Parish Life Building. Just one more week to see the great art!
20 ~ Adults Plus! will have a program related to HOSPICE CARE,
presented by Kristine Hunt. Be sure to call in
your reservation by Tuesday noon if you plan to eat with your friends. Check the church’s web site ( for the Adults Plus! program
information! Come and join in the
fellowship beginning at 10:30 a.m. through Lunch ($5.00 each). The Committee on Nominations will announce the
slate of officers to be elected for the coming year.
>>>Oct.20 ~ Hot Wednesday is in session! Check the church bulletin for after-supper activities.
>>>Invite a FRIEND
to come to class with YOU this Sunday!
Never have we known a man so gentle-
Loving, helping, caring – not judgmental-
Ever striving all his loved ones to protect,
A professional, and yet personal, architect!
He “designed” a close-knit family to provide
His dear wife aid, and comfort, at her side.
He managed for them all security to create-
Did even a “unique” housing concept innovate!
Now, he’s not with us on this earth, and that we miss-
But we know he’s helping GOD’S “design team in heavenly bliss!
Thank God for Randy Harris’s life!!!
-Bob Lumadue, 2004
>>>>Oct. 24 ~ Barbara Barden will explore
>>>>Oct. 24 ~ Dr. Allen Verhey, Duke
U. professor, theologian, and medical ethicist, will speak on Care
at the End of Life and the Resurrection in Jubilee Hall at 7:00
>>>>Oct. 31 ~ Chick Thompson will explore some of the thoughts of theologian Reinhold Niebuhr from THE ESSENTIAL REINHOLD NIEBUHR: Essays and Addresses edited by Robert McAfee Brown on Halloween Sunday!
7 ~ The Ownbey Class Curriculum Committee urges everyone to
check in with Nhora Moreno, then attend the Rev. Dr. Ben
Witherington III’s combined Sunday School presentation in Jubilee
Hall at 9:45 a.m. Ben will speak again Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m. in Jubilee Hall
on The Reliability of the Gospels, and How They Were Formed.