Subject: OWNBEY CLASS MUSINGS ~ Oct. 24, 2004 |
From: William Pearce |
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 12:31:45 -0700 (PDT) |
SUNDAY SCHOOL time is 9:45 - 10:35 a.m.
REMEMBER…in your thoughts and prayers these folks,
others you know, and especially their caregivers…
>Ann Copeland is recovering
from a broken arm, just below the elbow…
>Ellen Chason continues recovery
for her hand…
>Karla Hauersperger has been
advised to take disability…
>>Oct. 17 ~ Don Hammer
revisited MOUNTAINS BEYOND MOUNTAINS by Tracey Kidder. This is a highly recommended reading book! Good job!
>>Skip Heintzelman reminded
the class of two service opportunities plus an opportunity to indicate
what days are better suited for everyone to be involved in service
projects. Hopefully, every member of the
class will indicate days that work best for her or him.
WEEK: Oct, 24-30, 2004
>>>Oct. 24 ~ Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost; United Nations Day;
United Methodist Men’s Day; Disability Awareness Sunday
>>>Oct. 24 ~ Barbara Barden will explore Andrew
>>>Oct. 24 ~ Dr. Allen Verhey, Duke
U. professor, theologian, and medical ethicist, will speak on Care
at the End of Life and the Resurrection in Parish Life Building
Rooms 107-108 at 7:00 p.m.
27 ~ An Ownbey
Class Helping Hands Team will go to Mooresville and work at
the UM Mission Resource Center
>>>Oct.27 ~ Hot Wednesday is in session! Check the church bulletin for after-supper activities.
>>>Oct. 28 ~ The Rev. Dr. Anna Case-Winters, McCormack Theological Seminary, will lecture on “Theology and Science: A Constructive Engagement” at 7:30 p.m. in Accenture Auditorium (basement level of the Sykes Learning Center (1900 Selwyn Avenue), Queens University, with Responses and discussion following at 8:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served following the evening presentation. Advance registration is requested; call 704.337.2214 to make your reservation.
3-29 ~
The Third Annual Faith and Arts
Exhibit, sponsored by the Faith and Arts
Commission, continues to be seen in the second floor lobby of the
Parish Life Building. Just one more week to see the great art!
>>>Invite a FRIEND
to come to class with YOU this Sunday!
>>>>Oct. 31 ~ YOU get to sleep an extra hour! Why? Because DAYLIGHT
SAVING TIME ends at 2 a.m.; set your clock back an hour! No excuse for being late to Sunday School next
>>>>Oct. 31 ~ Chick Thompson will explore some of the thoughts of theologian Reinhold Niebuhr from THE ESSENTIAL REINHOLD NIEBUHR: Essays and Addresses edited by Robert McAfee Brown on Halloween Sunday!
>>>>Nov. 7 ~ The Ownbey Class Curriculum Committee urges everyone to check in with Nhora Moreno, then attend the Rev. Dr. Ben Witherington III’s combined Sunday School presentation in
Hall at 9:45 a.m. Ben will speak again Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m. on “The
Reliability of the Gospels, and How They Were Formed.”
>>>>Nov. 14 ~ THE ESSENTIAL REINHOLD NIEBURH: Essays and Addresses, part 2, will be the theme of Gaston Gage’s review in Sunday School.
to go to the Biltmore Estates (assuming you have been one or
more times already!) again? Lake Junaluska has a special running
from Nov. 1st to Dec. 8th of 2-nights at Lake
Junaluska, 2-breakfasts, and a ticket to Biltmore Estates for $99/per
person double occupancy. You are
responsible for all travel arrangements and expenses.
Call 1.800.222.4930 for reservations. P.S.
NOT GOOD FOR DECEMBER 2-3-4 when you will be traveling on the Christmas In Georgia trip!
out the Adults Plus! web site at to
see what is going on with this exciting ministry! Mark
the third Wednesdays from 10:30 am through lunch and enjoy a good
program, great fellowship, and a good lunch!