Subject: OWNBEY CLASS MUSINGS ~ Oct. 31 - Nov. 6, 2004
From: William Pearce
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 07:03:16 -0700 (PDT)


October 31, 2004





The MYERS PARK UMC SUNDAY SCHOOL time is 9:45  - 10:35 a.m.


Birthdays: :  Virginia Gourley (3rd)


REMEMBER…in your thoughts and prayers these folks, others you know, and especially their caregivers

>Ann Copeland is recovering from a broken arm, just below the elbow…

>Ellen Chason continues recovery for her hand…

>Karla Hauersperger continues to need our prayers…

>Bob Grogan’s shoulder is getting better…



>>Oct. 24 ~ Barbara Barden reviewed Andrew Lester’s THE ANGRY CHRISTIAN: A Theology of Anger.  No one got angry, but we learned a lot about anger!   Good job, Barbara!

>>Oct. 24 ~ Dr. Allen Verhey, Duke U. professor, theologian, and medical ethicist, spoke on Care at the End of Life and the Resurrection and did an excellent job of raising questions for our thinking!

>>Skip Heintzelman reminded the class of two service opportunities plus an opportunity to indicate what days are better suited for everyone to be involved in service projects.  Hopefully, every member of the class will indicate days that work best for her or him.

>>Oct. 27 ~ An Ownbey Class Helping Hands Team went to Mooresville and work at the UM Mission Resource Center.  Making the trip were Skip & Ruth Heintzelman, Carol Needy, Bob & Marilea Grogan, Thom Sumner, and Marie & Bill Pearce.  Clothing was assorted and boxed inside while others loaded pallets with 48 flood buckets (already packed) and bottled water, shrink-wrapped the load, and loaded the pallets into a trailer.  This is a project that needs attention more than once!


BOO!  Happy Halloween!

THIS WEEK: Oct, 31 ~ Nov. 6, 2004

>>>Oct. 31 ~ Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost; Daylight Saving Time ends; Reformation Sunday, Halloween

>>>Oct. 31 ~ Chick Thompson will explore some of the thoughts of theologian Reinhold Niebuhr from THE ESSENTIAL REINHOLD NIEBUHR: Essays and Addresses edited by Robert McAfee Brown.

>>>Oct. 31 ~ Last call to visit the art exhibit in the second floor lobby of the Parish Life Building sponsored by the Faith and Arts Commission, continues to be seen.  The Commission is accepting a variety of submissions for an upcoming book, REFLECTIONS and the time has been extended till February 8, 2005.  You, too, may be published IF YOU submit something for the book.  Contact Russell Smith at 704-321-9384 or for additional information.

>>>Nov. 2 ~ REMEMBER TO VOTE!  Your vote does count!

>>>Nov. 3 ~ Hot Wednesday is in session!  Check the church bulletin for after-supper activities.


>>>Invite a FRIEND to come to class with YOU this Sunday!



>>>>Nov. 7 ~ The Ownbey Class Curriculum Committee urges everyone to check in with Nhora Moreno in the classroom, then attend the Rev. Dr. Ben Witherington III’s combined Sunday School presentation in Jubilee Hall at 9:45 a.m.  Ben will speak again Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m. in Jubilee Hall on “The Reliability of the Gospels, and How They Were Formed.”

>>>>Nov. 14 ~ THE ESSENTIAL REINHOLD NIEBUHR: Essays and Addresses, part 2, will be the theme of Gaston Gage’s review in Sunday School.


!!! – EVERY SUNDAY read the announcements in the Worship Service bulletin!  You may find an event you don’t want to miss!



Andrew Lister’s THE ANGRY CHRISTIAN: A Theology of Anger, the book reviewed by Barbara Barden last Sunday, is in the Library unless someone has beaten you to it and checked it out!

IN MY MOTHER’S KITCHEN by Robin Edgar has been put on the shelf in the Library.  To find out more about reminiscence and it’s healing power, come to the Adults Plus! meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 17th, at 10:30 a.m.


CHILLY WEATHER getting you thinking about Christmas?  GET INTO THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT by taking a trip…not just any trip, but a trip with your friends who are going, too! 

 >>>>>Dec. 2-4 ~ Christmas in Georgia, the Adults Plus! trip to Callaway Gardens, Stone Mountain, and other places south!  Check the board for information, or stop by the Adult Education Office table for additional information.  Registrations now being taken; deadline is Monday, November 1st for making your reservations!


>>>>>Like to go to the Biltmore Estates (assuming you have been one or more times already!) again?  Lake Junaluska has a special running from Nov. 1st to Dec. 8th of 2-nights at Lake Junaluska, 2-breakfasts, and a ticket to Biltmore Estates for $99/per person double occupancy.  You are responsible for all travel arrangements and expenses.  Call 1.800.222.4930 for reservations.  P.S. NOT GOOD FOR DECEMBER 2-3-4 when you will be traveling on the Christmas In Georgia trip!


>>>>>Check out the Adults Plus! web site at to see what is going on with this exciting ministry!  Mark the third Wednesdays from 10:30 am through lunch and enjoy a good program, great fellowship, and a good lunch!