Subject: OWNBEY CLASS MUSINGS ~ Novembe 28, 2004
From: William Pearce
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 04:08:10 -0800 (PST)


November 28, 2004


Birthdays:   Frances Hawn (2nd), Joyce Allen (4th), Reatha Andrew (4th), Wilma Miller (4th),

Oscar Moreno (4th).


REMEMBER…in your thoughts and prayers these folks, others you know, and especially their caregivers

>Virginia Gourley is home and recovering well…

>Karla Hauersperger has been advised to delay further surgery at this time…

>Others you know who need a prayer…



>>In Sunday School ~ Durward Owen introduced the review of THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD: Healing Wisdom of the 23rd Psalm, a book by Harold S. Kushner.  Very insightful and interesting!

>>The Ownbey Class voted to accept the invitation to have the Christmas Party at Aldersgate (The United Methodist Retirement Center), 3800 Shamrock Drive, at 6:30 p.m.  There must be a firm reservation count by Friday, Dec. 3rd.  Cost: $9.00 per person payable with reservation.  Sign up Sunday  or send your reservation to: W. E. Pearce, 3800 Shamrock Drive, Charlotte, NC 28215 by Wednesday, December 1st.  Come and join in a great meal and lots of fellowship!

>>Nov. 25  ~ THANKSGIVING DAY!  Enjoy the day and don’t eat too much!  Please note that the church will be closed till Sunday morning.    



The MYERS PARK UMC SUNDAY SCHOOL time is 9:45 - 10:35 a.m.


THIS WEEK: Nov. 28 – Dec. 4, 2004

>>>Nov. 28 ~ First Sunday of Advent; UM Student Day

>>>Nov. 28 ~ Gerald Baxter will conclude the review of Kushner’s THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD: Healing Wisdom of the 23rd Psalm.

>>>Nov. 28 ~ First Sunday of Advent: Les Ackerman will be offering the WORLD PREMIER of a composition commissioned in his honor at the Organ and Harp Concert at 5 p.m.  Christine Van Arsdale, harpist, will participate in “MUSIC FOR THE HOLIDAYS.”

>>>Nov. 29 ~ Administrative Board / Charge Conference.  Dinner ($6.00 per person) at 6:30 p.m. and Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in Jubilee Hall.


Invite a FRIEND to come to class with YOU this Sunday!



>>>>Dec. 5 ~ Bill and Marie Pearce will light the Advent Candles at the 8:30 a.m. worship service.

>>>>Dec. 5 ~ Paul Guthery will present a lesson based on a selection from the International Lessons.

>>>>Dec. 5 ~ The UMYouth invites you to the Love Feast AT 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

>>>>Dec. 10 ~ Ownbey Class Christmas Party at Aldersgate, 3800 Shamrock Drive, 6:30 p.m.

>>>>Dec.12 ~ Ownbey Class Christmas Breakfast with Sydnor & Harriette Thompson.


>>>>>NOTE:  Bob & Marilea Grogan’s email address has changed to  I would not be surprised if Gary will use that email address, also!


>>>>>Ann Copeland reports that South Tryon Community Church has an urgent need for cold weather clothing, especially clothing for men.  Clothing can be delivered directly to South Tryon Community Church or deposited here to be transported to the church.  Please put your name on the bag or container as our friends at South Tryon like to acknowledge gifts with a “Thank You” note.


>>>>>SUPPORT THE TROOPS!  The United Methodist Endorsing Agency, General Board of Higher Education & Ministry, reporting on the activity of a Chaplain in Iraq, informs us that some members of the armed forces have accumulated phone bills of $1,000.00 calling home.  The Agency offers us the opportunity to purchase phone cards to be given to the members of the armed forces by the chaplains.  The phone cards provide 120 minutes of calling time for $4.95, and are given away with the comment that “People who love Jesus Christ made this possible for you.”  If you want to give a card or two, send a check to the UMEA, PO Box 340007, Nashville, TN 37203-0007.  If you would like to know more about this story, go to the website at www.UMC@UMCOM.ORG.


PLEASE NOTE: Remember that all money given for through agencies of The United Methodist Church go directly to the project being supported.  There are NO FUNDS DIVERTED to pay for administrative services!  ALL of your money goes to the project!






February 11, 2005 isn’t that far away!  The Faith and Arts Commission of Myers Park UMC is planning to publish a collection of “REFLECTIONS” by members (and possibly friends!) in time for EASTER.  YOU are invited to submit an entry or entries for the collection.


Anita McIntosh has suggested a number of “beginnings…” for reflection.  Take a few minutes to read over the list, and then select one or more you might want to use to stimulate your own reflections and recollections.  Write the selected “beginnings…” on top of a blank piece of paper and watch the pen move along as thoughts and recollections and remembrances begin to emerge on the page.  The first time may result in fragments or names or events.  Like a stone in a tumble polisher, YOU can tumble the ideas and polish the recollection(s) a little later!


It is great fun being a part of…

The mission of our church means…

A funny thing happened on my wedding day…

I love my church because…

Our children have…

Walking the halls of my church…

My Sunday School Class means…

The church music is…

So much of my time…

MPUMC programs really…

Working for our Lord gives me…

There is always someone who…

I really enjoy…

We have so many members who…

One member in particular…

If you need help with anything just…

We have been married…

My church has many ways to…

Our family…

The support of…

I look forward to…

Our church mission is…

And perhaps you can think of other idea stimulators…