Subject: OWNBEY CLASS MUSINGS ~ Dec. 26, 2004 - January 1, 2005
From: William Pearce
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 12:16:31 -0800 (PST)


December 26, 2004


PLEASE NOTE:  The Ownbey class will meet in rooms 103-105, parish life building, for Sunday school on December 26th.  Carol Douglas will be reviewing Bonnie thurston’s women in the new testament: questions and commentary with other classes joining us.  Welcome all who come and get acquainted with those who are strangers… they are friends you are yet to meet!


Birthdays:   Mel Allen (31st)


REMEMBERin your thoughts and prayers

>Nhora Moreno, Oscar Moreno and their families as they journey back home on the 28th for the next two weeks! 

>Others you know who need the support and strength of your prayers!



>>Dec. 19 ~ The class enjoyed Christmas with Lou Bledsoe for Sunday School!  It was great to see Virginia Gourley back in class!




THIS WEEK: Dec. 26, 2004  – Jan. 1, 2005

>>>Dec. 26 ~ First Sunday after Christmas; Boxing Day (Canada); Kwanzaa

>>>Dec. 26 ~ Remember to set your alarm and come to Sunday School, because Carol Douglas will offer WOMEN IN THE NEW TESTAMENT: Questions and Commentary by Bonnie Thurston to a joint Sunday School session in Rooms 103-105 of the Parish Life Building.

>>>Jan. 1 ~ Happy New Year!  Remember to start writing 2005 on your checks!

>>>Jan. 2 ~ 2005 class officers will assume their duties.  In addition, Carol Douglas will present Part II of Women in the New Testament.




Len & Ellen Chason    Co-presidents

Janie Jones    vice president

Eleanor Harris    secretary

Bob Grogan    treasurer

Don Hammer    curriculum

Harriette Thompson    music

TBA – Helping hands



>>>>Jan. 6 ~ Ownbey Class Curriculum Committee will meet on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in Room 110, Parish Life Building.  All teachers and members of the Ownbey Class are invited to attend the meeting and to make recommendations for study.

>>>>Jan. 9 ~ Poetry with Bob and Don, so well received a few weeks ago, will be the Sunday School offering.

>>>>Jan. 12 ~ HOT WEDNESDAYS return to Jubilee Hall.  The BIG BAND will be featured!



>>>>Feb. 11 ~ DEADLINE for submitting your recollections and art work for “REFLECTIONS”, the MPUMC publication being sponsored by the Commission on Arts and the Faith.  Don’t put off your work too long!


>>>>Ann Copeland reports that South Tryon Community Church has an urgent need for cold weather clothing, especially clothing for men.  Clothing can be delivered directly to South Tryon Community Church or deposited here to be transported to the church.  Please put your name on the bag or container, as our friends at South Tryon like to acknowledge gifts with a “Thank You” note.

>>>>SUPPORT THE TROOPS!  The United Methodist Endorsing Agency, General Board of Higher Education & Ministry, reporting on the activity of a Chaplain in Iraq, informs us that some members of the armed forces have accumulated phone bills of $1,000.00 calling home.  The Agency offers us the opportunity to purchase phone cards to be given to the members of the armed forces by the chaplains.  The phone cards provide 120 minutes of calling time for $4.95, and are given away with the comment that “People who love Jesus Christ made this possible for you.”  If you want to give a car d or two, send a check to the UMEA, PO Box 340007, Nashville, TN 37203-0007.  If you would like to know more about this story, go to the website at www.UMC@UMCOM.ORG.  All funds go for designated purpose!


ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY: Julie Andrews recorded “The Secret of Christmas” some years ago; a refrain says “…the secret of Christmas is not the things you do at Christmas time, but the Christmas things you do all year through!” With those words in mind, Jim Hatfield reminds us about phone cards for Armed Forces members who have been returned stateside for medical care and are in rehab and recovery. The #1 thing that is very important for their rehab/recovery is the availability to call home.  Send a phone card of any amount to: Medical Family Assistance Center, Walter Reed Medical Center, 6900 Georgia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20307-5001. 


AND ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY via Jim:  $25 gets one of our troops a DOD-approved care package containing a phone card, toiletries, sunscreen, and other essentials.  Go to the following website to arrange this “Christmas things” -




ADULTS PLUS! meets every 3rd Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. – noon, January through May, a picnic in June, and monthly meetings resume September through December.  Mark these dates on your calendar and plan to be a part of a great fellowship!  Remember, lunch ($5.00) is optional; reservations for lunch must be made monthly unless you opt for a Standing Reservation.


ROOM IN THE INN ~ The date for the Ownbey Class to provide for the homeless has been set for Friday, March 11th.  Mark it on your calendar and plan to be available Friday night or Saturday morning!


ADULTS PLUS! Spiritual Life Retreat will probably be May 2 – 3 – 4, 2005.  Watch for a confirmation of these dates.


A DAY APART FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART!, the Western North Carolina Conference program for Older Adults, will be held at Myers Park UMC, Tuesday, May 24th.  We will need hosts and hostesses for the event!  Stay tuned for more information.


SEJ Association of Older Adults Conference on Older Adult Ministries at Lake Junaluska is on the calendar for August 8 – 11, 2005!  A great conference is planned, so put this opportunity down on your calendar!


Support YOUR class officers with your attendance and your willingness to participate in all class activities such as service opportunities and social activities.  YOU are the Ownbey Class!