Late January, 2006 Hello, Everyone 

<>We wish you Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and everything in between!!! Janet and I had planned to get this missive written right after the big 50 but somehow the days just got away. Truthfully, we were just trying to get our act together. It took a little while to recuperate. <>First, we want to thank everyone again for everything you did to help us have a wonderful 50th class reunion. We will say again, there is no class like our class.. .we have “class!” So many people contributed in so many ways. If we try to list everyone, we would be certain to omit someone so we won’t try. Thank you.. you know who you are. A HUGE thank you for all who contributed to the Silent Auction and those that bought items. Because of you, we were able to pay all our bills, give a class gift, and have money left for memorials and incidentals (postage, etc.). This is no small fete. Most (if not all) classes are not able to say this, much less do it.  <>

Class Gift.. Right before Christmas, Janet and E went to AHS to talk with the principal about our gift. We certainly wanted his input on what to give. The more we talked (and listened), the more he kept coming back to the idea of a scholarship. We had to be convinced because something tangible was what we had in mind. In the end, he won us over. We decided to give two $250 scholarships (one male, one female) to worthy and needy students. He kept saying that there were so many who needed help, and that this help might change the course of someone’s life. We hope this meets with everyone’s approval. The school knows, of course, that this is a one time gift.  <>

Booklets...We have a few (10+) reunion booklets left. If anyone would like to purchase one, here’s the deal. Send $10 to Janet (they are at her house) and she will mail you one. We wish we could provide them gratis, but they were not cheap. Neither is postage. Regarding the booklets, thank you for all the nice comments. We worked hard on them and wanted them to be something you would like and keep. I don’t know of any other class which gives its members up-to-date addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of their classmates. Janet’s address is 307 Bossong Drive, Asheboro, 27205. Of course, if you have the booklet, you know that.

<>NEXT MEETING  Our next lunch will be at the Olde Towne Deli on February 23.   PLEASE attend if you possibly can. We know there will be lots of good conversation and wonderful fellowship. We’ll meet at 11 o’clock and eat a little later. We hope to have a big crowd. If you have any pictures from the reunion, please bring them to share.  <>

Again, thank you for everything you do and are. We are exceedingly blessed to be a part of the MIS Class of ‘55 and all that it means. Please keep in your prayers all of our classmates who are experiencing difficult times right now, especially Nancy York. We love you Nancy.

See you at the Olde Towne Deli on the 23rd.

<>Blue Comet Love,
Diana and Janet