Subject: | Fw: Homecoming |
Date: | Tue, 3 Oct 2006 13:21:19 -0400 |
From: | David and Janet Graves <> |
To: | All |
Please send out a blurb or just forward this along - all is well and we have 31 attendees so far - we still have time so get your check in; make your hotel reservations if you are from out of town. We are blessed with some classmates from the class behind us and if you know of some Comets outside our class that may want to come give them a call and my address to send in the money. I am going to be in Brevard beginning next week until the end of the month and will be coming down to Asheboro for the 'Comet Express' I will have my assistant deposit any checks that come after Monday of next week and will leave this open until say October 13. I'll need the remaining time to firm up things with Hops Barbeque and AHS for our dining room.
I love you
all - God Bless, Nolan C.'Gus' Galloway Jr., CCIM, SIOR
Gus Galloway Realty Inc. P.O.Box 113 Ocala,Fl 34478 Phone 352-622-8127
Fax 352-622-1230 Cell 352-572-9107
Hi Blue Comets,
Well here's the deal. Asheboro High School will lend a facility to us at no charge for a barbeque dinner before the homecoming football game October 27 - we will be allowed to use part of what used to be Sir Robert Motel ( now owned by AHS and converted to multiple uses ). The barbeque dinner will be catered by Hops Barbeque and be served at 6:00 pm - the cost per person will be $8.00 and must be paid in advance. In order to pull things together properly I need the checks mailed to me with a deadline of October 4. This is to allow time to confirm space with the high school and the caterer any attendees after that date may be allowed but not guaranteed dinner - I'll try to build in a 'fudge' factor.
Hampton Inn has blocked out 20 rooms under Class of '55 and will hold these until October 6 should we exceed that number they will accommodate us as room availability allows. Of course anyone can stay anywhere they like - the rate will be $75.00 single occupancy and $85.00 double occupancy. The telephone number of the Hampton Inn is (336) 625-9000.
Notice that I have included Malcolm Lanier, class of '56 and Emily Fritz Lange, class of '57 since some of us had friendships in those classes I am encouraging them to pass this along to classmates of theirs who may be interested.
The ballgame is at 7:30 pm so we'll have plenty of time to eat and get to the game.
The people at AHS have been so helpful I may try to get them to reserve a seating for us at the game but I will need to know number of attendees if possible by the deadline of October 4 - those who would like to come to the game but skip the dinner can just let me know that as well.
Just thought this might be a good idea if it could come together and so far so good.
Remember to have all checks made out to me, Nolan C. Galloway, and mailed to arrive by October 4th! Looking forward to a wonderful homecoming on October 27th,
Nolan C.'Gus' Galloway Jr.,
Gus Galloway Realty Inc.
P.O.Box 113
Ocala,Fl 34478
Phone 352-622-8127
Fax 352-622-1230
Cell 352-572-9107