Carol Douglas was scheduled to introduce the book Thirteen
Apostles last Sunday. Because of a low class turnout, church
services running over and the number of class members who wanted to
attend Reatha's presentation of Charles Wesley, the class decided to
attend the church-wide session on Charles Wesley.
Therefore, Carol will introduce the Thirteen Apostles this
coming Sunday, July 30 and Willard will continue with the book on
August 6. There probably will be other changes and we will
contact you when those changes are decided.
Don't forget to sign up for the class "brunch" on August 27 at
Queens College. The sign up sheet will be on the clipboard.
The Helping Hands Committee is recommending that the class
contribute $500 to the youth ministry to help defray expenses of the
trip to Houston to help Katrina victims. We will vote on this
recommendation Sunday.
See you Sunday,