Attached you will find a revised lesson schedule for the third
quarter. Be sure and join us on Sunday as Willard will continue
with The Thirteen Apostles. Last Sunday Carol did a great job of
introducing the book and Andrew, Phillip and Peter.
The class voted Sunday, on a recommendation from Helping
Hands, to send $500 to the Youth Ministry to help
with the expense of sending young people from Myers
Park and South Tryon to Houston to work with Katrina victims.
The church will again be building a home for Habitat in
September. In the past we have supplied dinner and snacks for the
workers. We will decide on Sunday how we will support Habitat
this year.
Class Social will be Sunday, August 27 at Queens College.
The signup sheet is on the clipboard. Also on the same day but at
6:30, the annual hymn sing will be help. Hope you will be able to
attend both events! It will be a fun day.