Haven't forgotten that you will no longer maintain the computer
program for our class beginning January 1, 1007, (Wish I could
I would like for either Gerald or I to present this to the class
and want to be sure you are there in case there are any
questions. I will be in class on 9/3 and 9/17 or Gerald could do
the same on 9/10. Just let us know and we will begin
Also, I am sure you are aware that there are those who are not
happy with the current soulnd system. I was asked to "appoiunt" a
committee to study the situation and recommend a replacement
system. This would be a one time committee. So far I have
"appointed" Williard, Ted, Bet Rasberry, and Gerald. Since you
are familiar with the workings of the current system, please join the
other "appointees" in making a decision.