Subject: Fwd: Connie
From: JG
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2007 17:03:30 EDT

Ownbey Update
Here is the e-mail that Durward sent me yesterday letting us know how Connie is doing.  We all hope that this is the last trip to the hospital ( at least for some time) and that she continues to improve!
Talked to Oscar and found out that his family is expected to arrive the 27th of August.  Halleluia!
Mark these dates on your calendar:
Habitat for Humanity            Sept - Oct
Charlotte Cafe Dinner            August 8            6:00
Barbecue                            Sept 28 at the Copeland's
Christmas Party                    Dec. 7 at the Calton
August Birthdays
    Paul Guthery        August 7
    Durward Owen      August 30

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Subject: Re: Connie
From: Dowen
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2007 20:57:34 EDT

Connie came home Wednesday, weak and in some discomfort ( she will not use the word pain), but with a grade A+ from her doctors. All systems are functioning with efficiency. The right foot still has the "cast", but gives her little pain (ups! I used the wrong work, discomfort that is.). It has several more weeks. We are thankful to God and so many people who prayed for her. Life is good!

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