Computer Lessons  05 - 09 ("Under Construction")
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 Lesson  05

  1. Boy, we really need to know about file extensions; where are extensions found?
    1. on the left side of a file such as "exe.notepad"
    2. .... as  ....notepad.exe
    3.  .... notepadexe
  2. You know the answer to the previous question was "B" and do you know what kind of file notepad.exe is
    1. a data file ...wrong
    2. a dll file  ....wrong
    3. a bat file ...wrong
    4. a program file
  3. How many program files do you see here: notepad.exe, fun.htm, letter.doc
    1. one
    2. two
    3. three
  4. Of course it is one for notepad.exe, but what are the other files
    1. htm files are web files such as this page which is named "5to10.htm"
    2. doc files are usually data files for Microsoft Word files
    3. and DLL files such as "sens.dll" which are special system files you do not need to mess with
    4. and bat such as "time.bat" is and old timey program file called a "bat" file.
    5. "Jpg" is a picture file such as  the one above.
  5. Go to the picture file above and let your cursor "hover" over it without you clicking or moving it; If there is a message what does it say
    1. This file is not named computer1994.Jpg
    2. This file is named computer1994.doc
    3. This file is named computer1994.bmp
    4. This file is named computer1994.Jpg
  6. Other picture files have extensions such as
    1. BMP, GIF, PCX, BMP and many others but these are main ones
    2. A main point is that if you ever want to send a picture on the internet with your email, it is better to be sure your picture is saved as a " Jpg" file
    3. BMP files usually are for small pictures but large ones take up a lot more space than JPG files.
  7. Usually  file names and extensions of files and programs are in small letters but I am using CAPITAL letters sometime because it is easier to distinguish to you between the capital "L" and  the small "l" for example
    1. ok enough of this but I wanted you to know about file extensions
    2. Now let us be sure we have your computer showing all the file extensions in next lesson
  • Lesson  06
    1. Ok do a W+E
      1. and this opens Explorer as we learned in lesson
      2. click on tools/folder options/view/
      3. and be sure there is no check mark to left of "Hide file extensions for known file types
      4. and be sure there is a dot beside "show all files" which is under "Hidden files"
      5. also click to check "Display the full path i title bar
      6. Click here to see a picture of what I am talking about. File is named ext.htm with a picture in it / on it called ext.JPG
      7. and her is a little one of it
      8. I know you know that usually on the internet you can click on any thing underlined and go to a link.
      9. Also you can let your cursor hover over the underlined item and look at the bottom to see where the link will take you.
    2. Why did we do the above
      1. we do not want to hide any extensions
      2. and I even want  you to see and know about hidden files tho some folks advise against it for fear of accidentally deleting them
      3. and I want you to be able to see the full "path" or location  and what folder files are in.
    3. Now we know for sure that you will be able to tell what files are by their extension
      1. Also it helps you if you ever need to search about a virus because without showing extensions someone could give you a file that looks simple like letter.doc but really is a program file named letter.doc.exe making it a program file that could do damage
      2. but too much of that as it is just not what you are interested in today.
  •  Lesson  07
  • ("Under Construction")

    1. Tell me again where is the (flying) Windows key
      1. between the ctrl and alt key on either side of the space bar
      2. Right, tho there might be two on the right side
    2. Poke the two Windows keys on the right side and what happens?
      1. Windows key to farthest right is same as  right clicking on something
      2. The other one on the right is same as the one on the left of space bar between ctrl and alt
      3. Both above are correct
    3. Tell what Windows key+ (W+, for shorthand) the following do
      1. E - you should rember this, if not do it and remind yourself
      2. F - ditto
      3. M - New one - do it and watch the screen clear (to get stuff back click on  the taskbar along the bottom of the screen)
      4. R - will run  programs if you can find them, kinda technical
  • Lesson  08 ("Under Construction")
    1. Lets try the ctrl and alt keys
      1. They are located on both right and left of space bar
      2. They are located near the F keys
      3. You know A is correct
    2. One of the following statements is wrong, which one about the Ctrl key + the following keys gives these results
      1. Ctrl+Q, will quit many programs
      2. Ctrl+S, willsave most work underwasy in many programs
      3. Ctrl+P, will print in many programs
      4. Ctrl+A, will select a lot of stuff for further action
      5. Ctrl+C, will copy what you have selected
      6. Ctrl+V, will "paste" what you have copies
      7. Ctrl+ (not through dsr 11:40 pm 12/18/01)
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