Sunday School Class Information
May 25 Ben
Witherington – Professor of New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary and
author will speak to a combined Adult Sunday School in Jubilee Hall at
(Please notify Nancy Holmes in the education office if your class will attend en mass this study.)
June 1 – Because of the change in schedule for this
Consecration Sunday we have moved Sunday School back 45 minutes to a starting
time (for that day only) to
Please Note!!!
We are in the process of making room assignments for June
and through the coming year. The Adult Ministry team
will meet on Monday, April 28 at
Also we are looking at some short term classes to offer for the month of July. If you or your class have suggestions and/or would be interested in participating in a special July study please contact Barbara Barden at . Also it is most helpful if your class would keep us posted of special studies/guest teachers that you may have. Just email me a quick note before and then a follow-up evaluation after the study is complete.
A reminder of how very important it is that your class submit a attendance count on the envelopes provided whether you have an offering that week or not. These records are reported each month at Administrative Board. We certainly want our reports to be as accurate as possible and reflective of our actual attendance. Also these records are used in making classroom assignments and planning for class setups and curriculum purchasing.
Thank you for your continued work in making Adult education strong on Sunday mornings at MPUMC.
Barbara Barden
Minister of Education