Genesis        Founding of the Hebrew Nation
Exodus         The Covenant with the Hebrew Nation
Leviticus      Laws of the Hebrew Nation
Numbers        Journey to the Promised Land
Deuteronomy    Laws of the Hebrew Nation
Joshua         The Conquest of Canaan
Judges         First 300 Years in the Land
Ruth           Beginning of the Messianic Family of David
I Samuel       Organization of the Kingdom
II Samuel   Reign of David
I Kings        Division of the Kingdom
II Kings   History of the Divided Kingdom
I Chronicles      Reign of David
II   Chronicles History of Southern Kingdom
Ezra           Return from Captivity
Nehemiah       Rebuilding of Jerusalem
Esther         Escape of Israel from Extermination
Job    Problem of Suffering
Psalms         National Hymn Book of Israel
Proverbs       Wisdom of Solomon
Ecciesiastes      Vanity of Earthly Life
Song of Solomon        Glorification of Wedded Love
Isaiah         The Messianic Prophet
Jeremiah       A Last Effort to Save Jerusalem
Lamentations      A Dirge Over the Desolation of Jerusalem
Ezekiel        “They Shall Know That I Am God”
Daniel         The Prophet at Babylon
Rosea          Apostasy of Israel
Joel           Prediction of the Holy Spirit Age
Amos           Ultimate Universal Rule of David
Obadiah        Destruction of Edom
Jonah          An Errand of Mercy to Nineveh
Nahum          Destruction of Nineveh
Micah          Bethlehem to be Birthplace of the Messiah
Habakkuk       “The Just Shall Live By Faith”
Zephaniah      Coming of a “Pure Language”
Haggai         Rebuilding the Temple
Zechariah      Rebuilding the Temple
Zechariah      Rebuilding the Temple
Malachi        Final Message to a Disobedient People
Matthew Jesus the Messiah
Mark  Jesus the Wonderful
Luke  Jesus the Son of Man
John  Jesus the Son of God
Acts           Formation of the Church
Romans         Nature of Christ’s Work
I Corinthians    Various Church Disorders
II   Corinthians Paul’s Vindication of His Apostleship
Galatians      By Grace, Not By Law
Ephesians      Unity of the Church
Philippians    A Missionary Epistle
Colossians     Deity of Jesus
I Thessalonians     The Lord’s Second Coming
II   Thessalonians   The Lord’s Second Coming

I Timothy      The Care of the Church in Ephesus
II Timothy   Paul~s Final Word
Titus          The Churches of Crete
Philemon       Conversions of a Runaway Slave
Hebrews        Christ the Mediator of a New Covenant
James          Good Works
I Peter        To a Persecuted Church
II Peter   Prediction of Apostasy
I John         Love
III   John   Caution Against False Teachers
III John       Rejection of John’s Helpers
Jude           Imminent Apostasy
Revelation     Ultimate Triumph of Christ