Myers Park United Methodist Church


Columbarium Guidelines


APPROVED September 23, 2002


The Columbarium is a place at Myers Park United Methodist Church for the interment of cremated remains and the memorializing of others interred or entombed at other locations. The church intends for the Columbarium to be a rentder to us that those who went before us are not forgotten and have found peace and rest with God. The Columbarium is an effort on the part of the church to continue to care for its members and their families who have shared the fellowship of MPUMC. It shall be a place especially for those who love MPUMC and have a sense of closeness to it, which they would like to preserve even after death. It shalt be hallowed ground, sacred to the memoiy of those who have departed from our midst.


Arrangements for interment or memorializing are made through the church office. The church encourages members to plan for the purchase of niches well in advance of need in order that decisions can be well considered.


1.  Governance. The Columbarium is subject to the authority of the Board of Trustees. The Trustees have promulgated these guidelines to delegate the administration of the Columbarium to a standing committee (the “Columbarium Committee”) composed of six church members appointed for staggered three-year terms. The Board of Trustees shall have the authority to amend these guidelines after consultation with the Columbarium Committee.


2.  The Columbarium. The Columbarium shall contain niches, of equal size, for the interment of the ashes of cremated human bodies. Each niche shall be covered with a [fabricatedi stone plate, uniform in size and color, which shall be engraved with the names and dates of birth and death of the deceased. The overall design of the cover plate shall be determined by the Columbarium Committee. There will also be a memorial area that will be engraved with the names and dates of deceased persons not interred in the Columbarium but whose family would like to have them remembered in this area.


3.  Interment and Eligibility. Only sealed containers holding cremated human remains shall be placed in the Columbarium niches. Either one or two persons’ remains may be entombed in one niche. Alternatively, the cremains may be scattered in a designated area of the Columbarium and an individual name may be included on the memorial wall. In addition, a name may be placed on the memorial wall for any eligible person interred elsewhere. The Columbarium is restricted to the interment or memorializing of individuals who at the time of death are, or previously have been, (i) members of MPUMC, (ii) clergy who have served, and (iii) persons employed by MPUMC; together with theft spouses and members of their immediate families and households including children,

grandchildren, parents, companions and other such individuals who may be approved by the Columbarjum Committee upon written request.


4~  ~ Single niches or units of niches may be reserved after payment in frill for present or future use. However, if no specific niche is requested at the time of purchase, one will be designated by the Columbarium Committee. Each Coluinbarjum niche will be assigned a specific number and an index will be maintained in the church office. The Columbarjum Committee may recommend changes in the fees to the Board of Trustees.


5.   4ieofNiches. No interments may be made prior to executing an Agreement in the form attached as Exhibit A. The purchase of a niche conveys to the purchaser the right to use the space inside the niche but no ownership interest in the Columbarium or any interest in real estate of MPUMC is conveyed. The legal title to all niches shall at all times remain vested in MPUMC. Each Agreement will require acceptance of these Guidelines, and acknowledgement to be bound by same, including any amendments that may be promulgated from time to time. MPUMC will not execute an Agreement until all fees are paid in kill. In case of financial need, confidential arrangements for purchase of a niche may be made with the approval of the Columbarium Committee and the senior minister to the extent of available funds.


6. fers and Refunds. The right to designate use of a niche is exclusive to the purchaser and may not be sold nor transferred in any manner by a member, their heirs, or assigns. However, a purchaser or a representative of the purchaser’s estate may at any time noti& the Church that the niche is surrendered. If such surrender is approved by the Columbarium Committee, funds paid hereunder shall be refunded to such purchaser less the Administrative Fee. If a purchaser transfers his or her membership from MPUMC, the purchaser shall continue to have rights unless he or she shall by written notice terminate the Columbarium Agreement.


7.   MemorialSen’ice’ Memorial Services for the inurnment of cremated remains will be designed by a pastor in consultation with the family of the deceased. Onl) an ordained minister may conduct the inumment ceremony.


8.   Urns: The urns containing the cremated remains shall be provided by the deceased’s family or legal representative, and the provider shall be responsible fox the cost of each urn. A niche may contain one or two urns of deceased persons. The interior dimensions of each niche shall be 9” x 9” x 18 %“. Each urn shall not exceed in exterior dimensions 8 %“ x 8 %“ x 9”.


9.   Epg~yjuigpfl~cheC~~er5 The church will provide for the niche covers to be engraved in uniform style, content and size. The cost of such engraving is not included in the fee set forth on Schedule 1. Each niche cover will be inscribed only with the deceased’s name (First, Middle, Last), date of birth, and date of

death. No titles will be used. Niches receiving the cremated remams of two eligible persons will be inscribed with such information for both persons. No other inscriptions will be permitted.


10.            Record Keeping. The Columbarium Committee shall maintain a master plan of all niches in the Columbarium to be identified by a number with the name of the purchaser, date of purchase, date of interment, name(s) of the deceased, their birth date and date of death. An index of reserved niches shall be maintained in the church office.


11.            Addresses. Each purchaser shall agree to keep the church advised of a current mailing address for the purchaser and next of kin.


12.            Access. The opening of any niche is prohibited by anyone other than authorized church personnel except as provided by court order.


13.            Columbariurn Fund. The purchase price for a niche will cover the cost of the niche, opening and closing the niche, and a residual to be maintained in a reserve account for future needs related to maintenance, beautification, enlargement of the columbarium and surrounding area. Funds may also be used for the relocation of the columbarium. The Board of Trustees’ first obligation is to ensure that the Fund is invested in a manner to ensure perpetual maintenance of the site. After making said determination, the Trustees may use earnings in excess of the maintenance costs and any prudent reserves to keep the site in first rate condition for the purpose of exterior maintenance of other portions of the Church Campus.


14.            Liability. No liability of any kind whatsoever is assumed by the church for the maintenance or preservation of the ashes of any person interred in the Columbarium or for any loss or damage to the urns.


15.            Change in Property Ownership. Should the church property be sold or the church relocated or dissolved, the Columbarium will be relocated as appropriate and in accord with North Carolina General Statutes 365-13.


16.            Abandonment. A niche shall be deemed abandoned if, twelve months after the death of the person reserving the niche or the last death if two persons have jointly reserved, no cremains have been interred therein and intention for use has not been expressed to the business office. Abandoned niches revert to MPUMC and may be resold.



Schedule 1

Columbarium Niche for single or double use                             $2000.00

Administrative Fee in the event of refund                                   $ 500.0


Fees do not include the cost of cremation, urn, and cost of engraving.

   Exhibit A                                                                                                                       Niche No.








Date: _________________________________





Full Name:

                                 Last                                                          First                                         Middle



                          Street or P.O. Box                                                      City                   State               Zip Code

Phone: (                                                        Home          (                                                Work



REQUEST:  for niche no.




Engraving No. I

Full Name:

                                      Last                                                      First                                         Middle


Date of Birth: Month____________________ Day_____________ Year_____________ Date of Death: Month____________________ Day_____________ Year



Engraving No. 2

Full Name:

                                      Last                                                      First                                         Middle


Date of Birth: Month___________________ Day_____________ Year_____________ Date of Death: Month____________________ Day_____________ Year_____________



The undersigned applicant acknowledges receipt of.a copy of the Columbarium Guidelines established by the Board of Trustees of Myers Park United Methodist Church, and agrees that acceptance of this application shall be subject to those Columbarium Guidelines and any subsequent amendments thereto.

The purchase of a niche conveys to the purchaser the right to use the space inside the niche but no ownership interest in the Columbarium or any interest in real estate of MPUMC is conveyed. The legal title to all niches shall at all times remain vested in MPUMC.


                                                                              Signature of PURCHASER



$                            by check no.           on                /rom___________________________________________




____________________________________________________ on ______ /    /_______

Business Administrator

                                                                                                                                                       Revised 01-10-03