Subject: Greeters - April - your Sunday 4/6/03
Date: Fri, 21 Mar
2003 09:50:51 -0500
To: Fred Sadri
Holmes <>, Bill Pearce <>, Marie
Pearce <>, Carol Douglas
<>, Durward and Connie Owen
<>, Reatha Andrew <>
Hi Fred and Martha
Thanks for helping as Sunday
School Greeters for April 6.
I called Nancy Holmes,
Barbara's secretary, and she is going to put
Information in our mail box
Sunday. I will get a copy for you. She
usually does it two Sundays
before the month so I was jumping the gun.
I did learn we need a couple
of more people each Sunday.
As I see it, the purpose of
the Sunday School Greeters is to "greet"
everybody and also to be able
to direct lost souls to the right Sunday
School classrooms for their
age and interests. When I did it I even
took some folks to the class
rooms as any map can be confusing to new
folks. As you said when you did it, you greeted and
hugged folks and I
think that is important. Also being outside the door rather than
is better, I think.
Each Sunday the greeters will
pick up a package of material in room
248, the mail room upstairs
of the Parish Life Building, which will
include "welcome"
badges, Nancy said, and probably maps and class
descriptions. Should be somewhere in the mail boxes on the
right hand
side. We should return the package each Sunday
after we finish our
duties. We have to "man" three
positions. One on Providence Road side,
One on Queens Road side near
the side entrance to sanctuary, and one at
the entrance to the Parish
Life Building. She suggests we have two
people at the Parish Life
Building. I am working on the greeters
for the
whole month and will work to
get 2 more for our first Sunday of 4/6,
which is your Sunday. If you have a suggestion for 2 more for your
team, please let me know.
The time is 9:30 a.m. to
10:00 a.m. Sunday morning.
That is about all I know
now. I will look over the info Sunday
and give
you a copy of any you should
Thanks for helping do
this. Send all the lost souls to