March 21,2003


To: Ownbey Class


From:   Nancy Holmes Administrative Assistant for Adult Education


Re: Sunday School Greeters for April 2003


This note is a friendly reminder that your class has the responsibility of providing three greeters each Sunday in the above month. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for participating in this ministry of hospitality. Your efforts are appreciated!





Instructions for Sunday School Greeters


I.            Greeters are to be stationed at:


            Providence Road side of the Snyder Building


    Queens Road side of the Snyder Building


    Outside the main lobby of Parish Life Building (new building)



2.   Pick up your Greeter Packet at the Staff and Sunday School Class Mailboxes in the Church

Office Workroom, room 248 of new building. A Greeter Badge, Adult Sunday School Class List, and notice of special activities or temporary changes in classes will be in the Greeter Packet.


3.   Please be outside your door no later than 9:30 a.m. and remain there until 10:00 aim


4.   Wear your badge. Without your badge, yours is just another friendly face.


S.   Be an assertive greeter. Speak to everyone who comes through your door. Remember, your greeting is a great way to brighten someone’s day.


6.   Greeters should be outside the assigned door. When the weather is poor, stay just inside the door. Do not stand in the middle of the opening. Parents with infants and young children need the entire opening, as well as do our older members, especially on days when umbrellas are in use.

7. Be sure to return the Greeter Packet, including the badge. before leaving church.