Don Redding



From: Don


To the Greeters for the Month of April



Dear Folks:


Thanks for doing this in April.


Although I have attached a bit of information making the job seem more difficult than it is, the basic responsibility is to be there to greet people and to try to get any new or visiting people to a class for their age or interest.


Attached is a description of the classes. Many classes you know,  but you might not know where they are. A sheet is included with the room locations. Also, a map that might be of help.


If thee weather is ok, it works better to be outside to do the greeting, maybe help with doors if that seemed appropriate some time. I remember attending Bishop Spong’s presentation at the Dilworth Methodist and was impressed with their greeters as they were outside and active in greeting all comers. Handshakes are good and ok to take initiative. Also, sometime you might want to leave your station to take someone to a class and that is your judgement call.


A package of material is available in the mailroom mail boxes, 2nd floor of Parish Life Building, room 248 in mailbox that is , starting from lower right side, three rows in and four rows up (or 4 rows in and 3 up, I forget) Included in the package is a name tag for each person to wear. Also instructions are there that might be more current than theses (or  older!).


Try to arrange your schedule to have picked up your package and at your station a couple of minutes before 9:30 and stay until 10 which means missing part of the early Sanctuary service and being late to Sunday School. For the first Sunday I have asked Carol Needy and Linda Myers to work the entrance to the Parish Life Building at the 1501 Queens Road entrance. The Sadris will spilt the other two locations. For later weeks, the volunteers should figure out their own location.


After you finish, return the package to the mail box.


In short, get material from room 248, be at  your station a couiple of minutes before 9:30, wear name tags, greet folks often with a handshake, help open doors, direct visitors to classrooms, maybe take some to a classroom, return package to  room 248. Thanks


Look this over and let me know if you have questions.


Sincerely  yours



Don Redding




D:\Data\Data_Word\Greeters Letter.Doc