(noLinks) on MPUMC Web Page

If you know of a link (or a better link if there is one)
to any of these subjects, please let me know
More neat Tr's

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Acolyte/Crucifer Training(noLink)
Alter Flower(noLink)
Audio Visual (noLink)
Autumn Academy(noLink)
Bible Study - Ladies(noLink)
Bible Symposium - Luther Synder (No Link)
Book Fair 10/16+ (No Link)
Building on Our Beliefs(noLink)
Building Teams(noLink)
CareGiver Support Group(noLink)
Carleton Towers Parking NO NO (no link)
Change for Change(noLink)
Christmas Schedule etc (No Link)
Christmas Trees 12/07 (No Link)
Church Calendar(noLink)
Church in Round Singers(noLink)
Commitment Sunday (no link)
Communion Committee / Team
Contact Congress(noLink)
Costa Rica Building Team (No Link)
Crucifer/Acolyte Training(noLink)
Cub Scouts(noLink)
Disaster Relief (no link)
District Office (No Link)
Divorce Support Worshop(noLink)
Emergency Disaster Relief (no link)
Fall Family Festival 10/30 (No Link)
Fall Service Day 10/26 (No Link)
Family Center (no link)
Flu Shots (No LInk)
Giving Gifts(noLink)
Hospitality Volunteer (no link)
Flue Shots (No LInk)
Hymn Sing(noLink)
Jubille Gifts (no link)
Ladie's Bible Study(noLink)
Lay Rally (no link)
Lenten Season (no link)
Library - MPUM(noLink)
Luther Snyder Bibe Symposium (No Link)
Men's Group(noLink)
Mountain Top(noLink)
Opportunity Fair - Children's (no Link)
Panther friendly - we are! (no link)
Parking NO NO at Carleton Towers (no link)
Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program  (no
Quest  (no Link)
S. Peter's Homes(noLink)
Sacrement of Baptism(noLink)
Singers - Church in Round (noLink)
Sound and Video (no Link)
Sound and Video Technicians (no Link)
St. Peter's Homes  (no link)
Standing at the Cross Roads (NO Link)
Sunday Morning Options for Youth  (no link)
Sunday School - Youth Options   (no link)
Tape Ministry (no Link)
Third Grade Bible Presentation(noLink)
Usher - Funeral (noLink)
Usher Plate Committee / Team (noLink)
Valle Crusis(noLink)
Video and Sound  Technicians (no Link)
Video and Sound  Video Technicians (no Link)
Wonderful Wednesdays(noLink)
Youth Options - Sunday School  (no link)

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If you have comments or suggestions, email me at drsr@mindspring.com

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