
Myers Park United Methodist Church

Ownbey Sunday School Class



January 27, 2002, Sunday   

President Don Hammer was away and VP Don Redding presided. There were 45 people present and the collection was


Harold Clark and Harriette Thompson lead the singing of two hymns:

Bob Lumadue collected the money and Dorothy Bridgeman was secretary.


Next week Chick Thompson will start a three week session on  Reading the Bible Again for the Very First Time.  William Webb and Ace Walker l finish in the following two weeks.


Don covered the following subjects


Health and Happiness – Fred Sadri was back and in rare (his usual demeanor) spirits saying his arm was doing well. Marilea Grogan was back from several days in Reidsville after her Mother’s death at age 98+. Marilea expressed her appreciative for the support from members of the class. Marilea mentioned that a person we helped in previous years, _____, had died recently and memorials could be sent to


Marilea had a birthday January 24 and Marie Pearce one on  January 28. Both are in their late 20’s it was said.

(Add other later)


Syd Elkin commented on Room in the Inn and said it was to be held in the -----room. We no longer have access to a kitchen so meals must be brought in. I forget what else.


Syd Thompson led the class in a discussion of  Democratic Roots Of Islam. We  learned that Moslems accept the  / our Bible but think we got some of it wrong and that their Qur’an straightens it out. Syd  (will finish later)


Next week Chick Thompsom starts a three week session on  Reading the Bible Again for the Very First Time followed by William Webb and Ace Walker.




(Under construction)