Subject: Ownbey Open House (Feb.24) and info table

From: "Reatha Andrew"
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2008 00:19:56 EDT

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Dear Ownbey Family,

For the next 3 Sundays, we will have an info table set up in the UPPER LOBBY of the PLB, right outside of Jubilee Hall near the coffee station.
Chick is working on a display board, and we already have the flyers printed up.  Some have already been distributed to the latest group of new members.  Also some have been put in the literature rack outside Barbara's office, and some remain in our classroom.
We still need some volunteers to "man" the table before or (especially) AFTER Church in the Round on Feb 17th and the 24th.  You would be offering our info flyers, answering questions, and inviting folks to visit our class.
The times suggested below can be a bit flexible, depending when CITR ends and the amount of traffic you get.
SUN. FEB. 10
8:40 - 9:00 --> Chick Thompson
9:30(?) - 9:50(?) --> Ellen Chason
*after Ben's lesson, 10:40(?) - 11:00(?) --> Reatha Andrew

SUN. FEB. 17
8:40 - 9:00 --> Carol Douglas
9:30(?) - 9:50(?) -->  [available]

8:40 - 9:00 -->  [available]
9:30(?) - 9:50(?) -->  [available]

You might be wondering why that particular location was chosen.  We could NOT use the Narthex or area outside the little chapel.  We COULD have set up some tables OUTSIDE the narthex doors, but... really an iffy proposition this time of year.  The hall outside the choir practice room doesn't lend itself to "flow through" traffic.  The main lobby of the PLB is usually swamped w/families and others who are already involved in SS classes.  Thus we followed a process of elimination and ended up in the upper lobby.
And THIS Sunday, w/Ben III speaking during the SS hour (in Jubilee Hall), we should be able to reach folks who come to hear him but who are NOT members of any SS class. Any questions? Simply hit your REPLY key, type it in, and send it to me. If I don't know the answer, I'll forward it to Chick and/or Eleanor. Peace and Blessings, Reatha - Mon. late